Page 81 of Wedlocked

“Coach, are you okay?” Lars worried.

“I’m fine,” I answered, gruff. “I’ve been sitting in the same position for hours, and it’s cold.”

“You should hit the hot tub when we get back,” Arsen suggested.

“I’m fine,” I replied grabbing Bodhi’s keys, then going over to grab mine. I realized it was a little quieter than usual. “Where’s Owens?” I asked, looking around.

“I have his keys,” Ryan said, holding them up. “He left early. Had a date.”

“So long as he isn’t lying on the mountain somewhere,” I mumbled as we traipsed into the small hut to return the keys.

“Your concern for us warms my heart,” Rush mused.

“If it was you, I’d leave you lying out there.”

“That burned so hot it melted some snow,” Kruger quipped.

Once the snowmobiles were returned, Arsen, Prism, and Kruger went to meet Prism’s grandmother at the airport. Everyone else went to the lodge for some food and to get a few runs in before the girls were done at the spa.

They invited us, but I waved them off. I needed a break before my ears started bleeding. “C’mon, Goldilocks,” I said,wrapping an arm around Bodhi’s waist to lead him toward the café inside the lodge. “You haven’t eaten since earlier this morning.”

In here was a little less formal than the dining room. There were double-sided fireplaces, tables, and comfortable chairs to sit in.

There was also a bar where you could order drinks and from a smaller ready-to-eat menu.

“Can’t we just go back to the chalet?” he asked.

“No, because the second we get there, I’ll just want to drag you to our room. You gotta eat first.”

“Or maybe you need to sit down for a while,” he teased.

My fingers tightened around his waist. “I might be a little sore, but I’m not so sore that I can’t remind you who’s in charge around here.”

A couple at a nearby table right in front of one of the fireplaces got up, and I steered us in that direction, wanting to grab the spot before someone else did.

“Take your coat off,” I said, gruff, pulling off my hat and stripping layers to drape them over a chair.

Bodhi did the same, and I nudged him toward a chair. “Sit down. I’ll get us some food. You want coffee or hot chocolate?”

Instead of sitting, he rotated, pushing me toward the chair. “You sit. I’ll get it.”

I was about to protest, but his palms slid over my chest as he stepped so close our boots bumped.

“You always take care of me. Let me do something for you for once,” He implored.

I started to shake my head.

“Please, Daddy.”

I sighed.

The little shit smiled. Happy he won, he leaned in and pecked a kiss to my cheek.

“You need some ChapStick.” I was gruff.

Laughing, he pulled back, digging into the zippered pocket of his snow pants. Seconds later, he was swiping a black tube over his dry lips. I watched the action like I was the one dehydrated and felt my dick twitch when he rubbed together his newly slicked-up lips.

“Better?” he asked, capping it and tucking it back in his pocket.