“You sure you aren’t hurt?” the guy asked from right beside me. I hadn’t heard him approach, so of course I jolted.
You’d think I’d have better jump-scare reflexes after all those horror movies Jess made us watch.
He grabbed my arm again. “Whoa.”
I glanced down to where he touched me and then back up, quickly pulling away. “Sorry, I didn’t know you were there.”
“Name’s Josh.” He introduced himself.
“Wes,” I replied.
“Well, Wes, if you stick to the side here for another couple feet, then you can move back out into the center of the piste, and it will be less icy there. That’ll get you the rest of the way down the mountain.”
I looked where he pointed and nodded. “Thanks.”
“How about you just follow me?” he offered.
It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him there was no need. I wasn’t some newbie on skis, but hadn’t I already madefool enough of myself? And Max was probably going to wonder where I was.
“Yeah, sure. Thanks.”
“Like I said, it’s my job.”
I glanced again at the logo on his hat and jacket. It did say snow patrol.
I followed him and soon made it out onto the run. He gave a yell, and I smiled, waved a thanks, then went on my way. Toward the bottom of the hill, I picked out Max immediately, dressed all in black and radiating dark energy as he paced.
I angled toward him, and out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a flash of red. But then Max looked up, and I waved.
Scowling, he marched forward—where are his skis?—and I dug my edges in to stop. This time, thankfully, I did stop right in front of my surly boyfriend.
Even surly, he was so sexy. The silver ring in his eyebrow stuck out from beneath the black hat, and a few silver studs showed in his earlobe.
“Where have you been?” he demanded by way of greeting. “You should have been down here before me.”
Before I could answer, Josh skied up, spraying us with a little snow. “Everything okay here?” he asked, lifting his goggles to glance between me and Max.
Max, being himself, bristled and crossed his arms over his chest. “Why the hell wouldn’t it be?”
Josh turned to me. “Wes?”
People say all the time,People don’t growl. Animals growl.
Well, Maxi was a beast, then, because this man was agrowler,and he let out a low, menacing one the minute my name left this guy’s lips.
Shoving between me and the snow patrol, Max pushed his arm behind him, wrapping it around my hip, anchoring me rightthere against him while at the same time rising to his full height and leaning toward the man in red.
“Who the fuck are you, and how do you know his name?”
Josh’s eyes widened a little, but then he said, “He told me.” Was that a little bit of… baiting in his tone?
I tensed, something Max clearly felt, and it put him on greater defense. Josh might be good on skis, but he was shit at reading the vibe of the room.
The snow crunched as Max stepped forward, fist clenched. I grabbed his wrist, wrapping my hand around it while speaking fast. “This is Josh. He’s snow patrol.”
“Snow patrol?” Max repeated.
Josh pointed to the logo on his hat.