I glanced over my shoulder at Ryan who was already beneath the rope. “Don’t come any closer,” I called. “This area can’t support your weight.”
“Rory.” His voice was guttural. Helpless. “Come back here.”
“I am. Let me get him first.”
“Help is on the way.” His voice was turning desperate. He started forward.
“No!” I shrieked.
Ryan froze.
The boy was crying again, and I turned toward him.
“Just stay still,” I said, still holding out my arms. “I’m going to come get you. Don’t move until I say, okay?”
He nodded.
“I’m gonna grab you and pull you over here. Once I do, skate. Skate fast. Don’t look back.”
“Am I gonna die?”
“No,” I said, confident. “I’m coming right now.”
I didn’t wait. I just went, my entire body shaking, my mind so panicked I almost didn’t hear or think.
I could feel the ice shift beneath my skates, see water seeping up through the cracks, saturating the ice.
It was dark below. Black and cold. An endless abyss.
Trying to stay light, I lunged, grabbing the boy by his coat sleeve and yanking him toward me. He stumbled. The ice gave way.
I shoved him forward. “Go! Skate!”
He listened and shot forward. More cracking filled the air this time, accompanied by the sound of splashing. A chunk of ice disappeared from beneath my foot.
I jumped forward, falling onto my knee.
I glanced up, breathing erratically. I watched the ice shatter like fragile glass. Even knowing it was coming, I was unable to prepare.
My eyes found Ryan.
I’m sorry.
And then the thin barrier keeping me safe collapsed and I dropped like an anvil into the icy grip of the lake.
Hey,Ryan, why are you so bossy? Overprotective?
If you didn’t know before,now you do.