“Yes,” Bodhi called from nearby.
What was he, the tradition police?
“Fine. But hurry up.” I started away, then turned back. “You look real pretty, baby.”
Her lip wobbled.
“Fuck this,” I muttered and charged her again.
Matt pushed me back. “Go,” he said, pointing down the aisle.
“You’re lucky I love you, A,” I told him, and his lips twitched. I muttered the whole way back to the archway.
Andrews offered his elbow to Jess, and they started forward again.
God, she was beautiful. Floated like an angel right down the aisle.
“About time,” I said when they made it to the altar. I stepped forward, but Andrews shook his head.
“You know, that new name of yours came with a whole hell of a lot of audacity,” I told him.
He smiled.
“Who gives this bride to the groom today?”
Andrews cleared his throat. “I do.”
“Finally,” I said, reaching for Jess.
He caught my hand. “Take care of my sister, Ben. Promise me.”
I was about to throw down, but beside him, Jess sniffled and laid her head on his shoulder. I sighed. “I promise. And if I don’t, you’ll know because you’re still my ride-or-die so you can kick my ass.”
Andrews smiled and took Jess’s hand, holding it out to me. I could have made some more jokes, but, bro, I was getting married.
I took her hand and drew her forward, everyone else falling away.
One of the curls lying against her chest ruffled in the breeze, and I grabbed it up, rubbing it between my fingers. “Angels should be in heaven. How’d you escape?”
She ducked her head.
I pushed her chin back up. “You were so worth the wait. I love you so much.”
She swallowed. “I love you too.”
“Save it for the vows,” Bennett murmured.
Taking her hand, I led her in front of the senator as Andrews came over to stand right beside me. Jess handed her bouquet to Madison, and I took both her hands.
“Dearly beloved, we are here today to join Jessica May Park and Benjamin Hayes Kruger in wedded matrimony.”
“Wedded bliss,” I corrected.
“In wedded bliss,” Bennett repeated. “This is not a bond to be entered into lightly, and I remind everyone here today that love, loyalty, and patience are foundations of a happy home.”
“Jess will need all the patience she can get,” Max muttered.
I didn’t even turn to glare at him. I was busy looking at my bride.