“For the joyous union of Arsen Aaron Andrews and Matthew Miller Prism in blessed matrimony. This union between these two hearts is not to be taken impetuously but reverently. Love and life are gifts the universe bestows upon us and are made even greater when two people find home with each other. May your union always be blessed with patience, understanding, and tolerance as well as passion and excitement for each other and the life you create. Remember, needing one another is not a weakness but a strength. May your loyalty, want, and mutual trust in one another never wane, and may you continually rediscover your love for each other until your hearts no longer beat. And even after the body gives out, let your love remain, a glow somewhere in the universe just like the glow you are uniting under.”
I glanced over at the lights, their radiance blurring a little as my throat grew thick.
Sensing my swollen heart, Arsen reached for my hand, linking ours together and offering a gentle squeeze. I looked back at him and smiled.
“If anyone knows of any reason why these two should not be united, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
Well, it had been going so well.
“Kruger! What the fuck?” Ryan hissed.
“I just need a minute,” my brother said, rushing from the room.
We all stood there in stunned silence. My heart clenched as I watched the empty doorway, waiting for him to come back.
Did he not believe me when I swore against bro code that this was what I wanted? When I promised marrying Arsen tonight would make me happy? Was he mad? Did he somehow feel betrayed?
I couldn’t stomach it. Pulling my hands from Arsen’s, I turned to the door just as Kruger came running in.
“I’m back! Sorry,” he said, his voice muffled under the fabric he was pulling over his head. “I couldn’t do it, P. I mean, A.” He grimaced. That was gonna take some getting used to. Kruger jerked the fabric down, smoothing it out over his midsection.
I stared.
We all did.
Kruger shook his head. “I couldn’t let you get married while I wore pajamas. I had to change.”
My eyes got watery again, the pink T-shirt he wore morphing into a blob. The wordBrowritten across the chest was nothing but a white blur. That was the T-shirt he’d made me when I first got with Arsen, when I first came out to Elite.
He wore that stupid pink T-shirt around all the time, wanting to make sure I knew that he one hundred percent supported me.
I never thought weddings were emotional, bro.
Until I met mine.
With a sob, I launched myself at him, hugging him tight and pressing my face against his neck.
“Sorry I was a jerk before,” he said, patting my back. “You’re my ride-or-die. I had to make sure you really wanted me to call you Andrews now and not Prism. I just want you to be happy,and it’s obvious you’re over the moon. I’m proud of you, P. I’ll always be here for you, bro.”
A tear squeezed out, and I swiped it across his shoulder when I pulled back. The heat on my face told me it was red, and I had a hard time making eye contact. The feel of everyone else’s eyes in the room made the rest of me feel hot too.
“Thank you, Ben.”
“You’re welcome. Now go on. Go get married to Mr. Right over there. I guess he’ll be an okay brother-in-law. You’re the only one I’d let get married before me.”
I laughed, but it was sort of like a sob.
Across the room, Gram blew her nose, but I didn’t dare look. “My God, I love those boys,” I heard her tell Christina.
“So there aren’t actually any objections?” Bennett asked when I turned back to Arsen.
Smiling, Arsen leaned in to swipe the wetness off my cheek.I love you,he mouthed.
“Tell them they can kiss already!” Bodhi called.
“Bro. You should consider a career in marrying people. You’re a natural,” Kruger told him.