Page 105 of Wedlocked

“But I haven’t given my permission!” Bodhi yelled after me.

Another smacking sound followed by a moan chased me.

I sped up.

I didnotneed to be a witness to whatever kinky shit they were into.

Besides, I had a proposal to get to.



“I thoughtthere was no midnight madness tonight,” I puzzled, gazing up at the slopes in the distance. They weren’t lit up with neon like when we were here late before.

A few spotlights were on, illuminating the snow, but no one appeared to be skiing.

“There isn’t,” Jason confirmed as he parked the big Tahoe my dad had rented for the trip.

Part of me wondered if Dad chose a Chevrolet because he knew it would make Jay happy, but I didn’t ask out loud because he’d just deny it anyway. He loved to pretend he wasn’t a fan of my boyfriend even though I knew he secretly liked him.

The second the SUV was in park, I turned sideways in the leather seat to look at the man driving. “I don’t understand what we’re doing here, then.”

“I told you. I planned a date.”

“But this place is closed.”

“Not for us.”

Well, consider me intrigued. I palmed the door latch, but Jason tsked. “Stay there. I’ll come around.”

Retracting my hand, I wiggled deeper into the heated seat. “Don’t mind if I do.”

Jason laughed under his breath and jumped out, freezing air and the slam of the door in his wake.

He seemed a little off tonight. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. He appeared almost nervous, but Jason wasn’t really the type to be nervous. And when something was wrong, he usually turned intense in the bedroom. Since we were here in the snow… that didn’t fit either.

My gaze strayed back to the lit-up ski lodge, and I wondered if maybe we were doing something in there.

The passenger door opened, and snow swirled inside, landing on the sleeve of my coat. The sky was dark, but the parking lot had a few lights and the snow was bright white, so that kept everything from being pitch black outside. Jason’s boots crunched the snow, and I inhaled the crisp, cold air.

“I need to ask you something,” he said suddenly, his voice so serious that my heart leaped.

A burst of excitement exploded deep inside me, making everything quake, and I dragged in another deep breath.

Stop it.I scolded myself. It was just because I had wedding on the brain that my heart leaped and my mind went right to that. I mean, seriously, we were in a parking lot. He was hardly about to propose.

I want him to.

No.No. I was just caught up in the romance of the week. Of watching two of my best friends get married. Besides, I meant what I told the girls earlier. Jason was going to hold out forever just to annoy my father.


My attention snapped up. “Yes?”

His brows slashed over his midnight eyes. “Are you okay?”

“Of course I am. I’m with you,” I told him. “What did you want to ask me?”