Page 100 of Wedlocked

He nodded. “So tonight?”

I blew out a breath and nodded.

Lars held out his fist. I smashed mine against it.

“You got this.”

I started away, but Lars called me back. I turned, not saying anything, and tucked my hands into the pockets of my jeans.

“Tell my sister I want to see her when you guys get back.”

“It’s gonna be late.” I warned him.

“I don’t care,” Lars said.

I smirked and glanced at Win.

“We’ll be expecting you,” he said.

“Really?” I pressed, another wave of emotion pummeling me.

“Of course.” Then Lars frowned and turned to Win. “Well, is that selfish to want to see them first, before anyone else?”

“It’s brother privilege, angel.” Win assured him, putting his hand on the top of his head to rub. Win’s eyes slid to me. “Right, Rush?”

I heard the subtle warning in Win’s tone as if I’d better not dare contradict what he just said.

As if I would.

“Duh,” I said. “Of course you’ll be the first we come see. Better not hear any complaints when I wake your ass up.”

“I’ll keep him awake,” Win vowed, a salacious smirk curling his lip.

“On that note,” I said, “I’m out.”

Leaving them to their hot tub foreplay, I crossed the deck to where Emmett was sitting near the fire with Bodhi in his lap.

“Incoming!” Jamie hollered just as something was flung right at me.

I sidestepped, and a flaming marshmallow dropped onto the deck right where I’d been standing. I gazed down at the blackened hunk of sugar as it continued to burn.

“You mind putting that out, bro?” Jamie called.

Shaking my head, I grabbed some snow off the nearby railing and smothered the scorched snack. The fire went out, leaving behind a gooey, half-blackened marshmallow covered in snow.

“You’re cleaning that up,” I told him.

“Sure, bro. Just after I finish creating the perfect s’more.”

“Obviously, it’s going well,” I quipped.

Ryan laughed and pulled a long stick from the fire to present a perfectly browned marshmallow.

Before anyone could even say anything, Jamie leaned over and ate the entire thing right off the stick.

“Bro!” Ryan chided.

Jamie’s lips fell open, and he made a sound of distress while fanning his mouth. “Hhhot!”