We’re going on a holidate tonight to celebrate Christmas Eve, Jolie’s name change, and Brooke Cross’ dating app. Roman met Dana on the app and have been dating for threeweeks. Bryce and I already knew we were a match, when the Real Life Dating app paired us up, but Brooke says, “When you have the freedom to be honest on a dating app, it can be miraculous.”
Bryce and I had shared our profiles, and the important things to both of us were a family—a ready-made one. Who admits that shit? Bryce didn’t want to put himself on the app, so he told the truth, which would be a turnoff for most people in the dating world. They want to be wined and dined nothey, we have to chauffeur our kids around for four hours a night.I told the truth because I felt like my clock was ticking and screw it if someone doesn’t want the same things as me.
Reed, Brooke, and their children meet us in the parking lot, and Bryce, Jolie, and I follow them to the Georgian Lights Festival. After paying, we wind through a field where light displays are set up to Christmas music. Jolie points to the Mouse and Oliver display fromIf You Give a Mouse a Cookie.“It’s my favorite,” she cheers with excitement.
I think of Roman calling Bryce a mouse in a cheese house. It’s so far from the truth. Bryce has the courage of a lion, the protectiveness of a gorilla, the love and devotion of a dog, and a heart I’ve never known. It’s so big, and I hope he has room inside it for one more.
We end up in North Pole where there’s shopping, food, and activities. Bryce and Reed buy everyone hot chocolate, and we get in line for Santa.
“Jolie, are you excited about sitting on Santa’s lap for the first time?”
Cannon throws his arm over her shoulderlike I’ve seen Reed do a hundred times to Brooke. “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.”
“Right. You’re scared of the dark. What if the lights go out while you’re on Santa’s lap?” Caleb laughs.
“I am not scared of the dark.” Cannon stomps his foot. “Come on, Jolie.”
Reed pulls Caleb to the side, with his hands on his shoulders, and looks him in the eye. “Son, you’re a teenager and usually a damn good one. But you need to let your little brother live his life. With Jolie, he gets to be the courageous one. He wants her to lean on him if she’s scared. He has an instinct to protect the people he loves. You have that same instinct every time Cannon runs into your room because he heard a noise in the dark. Let him be courageous. It’s an instinct, but it’s also a learned behavior. The more times you face your fears, the more courageous you become.”
“Sorry, Dad,” Caleb says, as he smiles at Cannon and Jolie.
We’re next in line, so Bryce picks up Jolie, and Cannon retreats to his family right behind us.
“Are you ready for Santa? Bryce asks Jolie.
She shakes her head vigorously, and Bryce whispers into her ear, then sets her feet on the ground.
“Ho. Ho. Ho. And who is this beautiful little Jets fan?”
Jolie turns her back and looks over her shoulder. “I’m Jolie Wynward.” Bryce looks at me, on top of the world.
“Ahh, you and your mommy match.”
Jolie tugs on his white beard, which is surprisingly real, and turns his head so we can’t hear. She probably thinks if we hear, she won’t get the Christmas present she’s asking for.
“Ho. Ho. Ho. I think I can. Jolie wants her family in the picture. Come here. You’re too tall. Sit on one knee, and you sit here.”
The elf takes our picture, and as I go to stand, Bryce pulls me to sit on his knee. He pulls out a red velvet box, and I gasp, but he hands it to Jolie. Her eyes widen in surprise. Jolie is easy to read, and since she didn’t talk for a long time, we relied on her expressions and body language to understand her thoughts and feelings.
Inside is a gold band. She pinches her eyebrows. “Daddy?”
“Sweetheart, this is my promise to you, Jolie Wynward, that I will love, honor, and protect you for your whole life. No matter what you do, I’ll never leave you. I’ll always be by your side,” Bryce says through blurry tears in his eyes. His parents quit on him after the accident took his brother’s life, and he’s never going to do that to her.
“I love you, Daddy.” She gets off Santa’s lap and wraps her little arms around his neck.
“You’re mine for life, got that?” He glances over his shoulder at Cannon. “Got it?”
Cannon rolls his eyes. Jolie looks at Santa. “Can I make my wish now?”
“Of course, Ho. Ho. Ho. What do you want for Christmas?”
Santa hands Jolie something, and Bryce covers her hand with his as he clears his throat. He stands with Jolie in his arms. “Ready?” He looks to her, and she nods.
“Emmaline, Rusti Rustavelli, will you…”
“Marry my daddy?” Jolie asks.
“And be Jolie’s mom?”