My face was already beginning to warm.
“The probability of that is pretty slim, wouldn’t you agree?”
“Yes, but if you’re both experiencing the same symptoms, perhaps there is cause for concern.”
“Perhaps there is. Maybe you should quarantine us for the next week or so.”
The doctor once again looked at me and then back Dean.
“What’s really going on here?”
“Bailey’s my one true mate. I know it’s not conventional and obviously we aren’t ready for this to become public knowledge, as we both deal with it in our own ways.”
“So that’s the distraction?”
“Pretty much. My raven confirmed it while I was flying above her as she ran through the woods yesterday, and it was a revelation I was not at all prepared for. One minute he’s claiming a wolf and the next I felt a sharp pain and then lights out.”
“Why are you telling me this now?”
“I was distracted in a meeting this morning, which isn’t at all like me, and Patrick became concerned.”
“Under complete confidentiality, can you tell me why Westin Force is here?”
“I’m not supposed to talk about it,” I confessed.
“But, under patient-doctor confidentiality, I will tell you that there is a worldwide concern regarding the Collectors. It’s slightly more than a routine check as they reassess our borders and security measures,” Dean explained.
The older man sighed and then walked to a bookshelf covering one wall and pulled off a Norse mythology book.
“I know it sounds like a bunch of hocus pocus, but hear me out.”
He flipped to a page and then pointed for us to read.
When a raven and a wolf come together, it was a good omen for victory over an upcoming battle.
“If you dive into raven history, you’ll find that you aren’t the first to fall for a wolf. It was also thought to be a sign of protection for our kind in times of trouble.”
“So you’re saying something bad is coming, but because of our bond, it’s going to be okay?” I asked.
“These are only legends, Bailey. None of it is founded in science. But I’m superstitious enough to claim you’re both suffering for an unknown virus that I will be testing and researching you both on for at least the remainder of the week.”
“What? No.”
“Sounds great to me,” Dean added.
I shot him a look.
“Look, I’m a superstitious old man. I’ll admit that. But at least one journal alludes to a mated couple necessary for victory. So do what you must, but seal that bond quickly, especially if there’s a possibility of the Collectors attacking.”
I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. What the hell was happening?
“Um, okay,” Dean said.
I punched him in the arm.