Page 11 of Sparks Flying

“Welcome back, Mr. O’Connell.”

“Thank you, Bernice. This is Jude and Luka. They’re shadowing me on this trip.”

“Welcome,” she told them. “You can head into the conference room. Dean will be right with you. Can I get you some coffee or anything at all while you wait?”

“Yes, please. Coffee would be wonderful.”


“Me, too,” the boys echoed.

Bernice returned to me and shoved a fresh cup of coffee in my face.

“Drink. You look like shit.”

I grimaced, but did as she said while she straightened my tie then smoothed out my sports coat.

“Now you’re ready.”

I chuckled. “With that confidence, how can I possibly fail?”

“That tongue of yours is going to get you in big trouble one of these days.”

I didn’t bother arguing with her. It was the same conversation we had on an almost daily basis.

Feeling much more confident, I strode into the small conference room that was part of my office suite.

“Patrick. It’s good to see you again.”

“I wish I came on better terms for once. Dean, this is Jude and Luka. They are interning with Westin Force this semester,along with several others. I have two more here in Ravenden who are already checking areas of your borders as we speak.”

“This sounds concerning.”

“It is. Why don’t you take a seat?”

“That’s usually my line,” I said with a chuckle. “Why don’t you give it to me straight, Patrick? What is going on?”

“We’re not yet sure why, but the Collectors as a whole have upped their game. Currently only in Australia, but we can’t be sure they won’t move on to others.”

“What are they doing in Australia?”

“They held an auction there where they announced a high price on several dingo shifters.”

“You mean witches?”

“No. As far as I know, none of them have extra powers. They are simply shifters.”

“Why would anyone pay a premium for that?”

“Because they are advertising them as the last dingo shifters alive.”

“Are they?”

“No. There are several Tribes of dingo throughout Australia. But after this was announced, they began a mass scale roundup of all the remaining dingoes.”

“They have the manpower for something like that?”

“Apparently, they do now. Like I said, we’re still investigating things. All of my top teams are down there trying to sort this out.”