“We had a somewhat similar issue with Jake. I get it.”
“It may be best if he works with you for this one.”
“It's really that bad?”
“I’m afraid so. I know Walker has to lie low on this. I was even considering sending him over to Elliot to work with Echo.”
“That would definitely lower the risk of exposure here. And they've worked together in the past. I think it could be a good idea.”
“Walker was the one that physically sedated him. I know Lachlan is not just going to get over that. It should have been me though.”
“It'll blow over. Just give it some time.”
“Who do you have working with Taylor?”
“Grant. He pretty much insisted on it.”
“What's the cover?”
“Brother helping her after the loss of her husband. We kept it simple.”
He chuckled. “As long as no one catches them making out, then it will be fine.”
“Lachlan's an Aussie. He could blend in well here if you want to put him in.”
“How bad is he? Be honest?”
Even from a distance, I could see Michael cringe.
“Why? What aren't you telling me?”
“His mate wasn't a Campbell dingo. She was just in Campbell territory. She's actually a King.”
Silas considered that for a minute. “But they met in Campbell? That's why we switched, right?”
“There were only two King canines there that I know of. So was she the King girl, or the friend?”
“Well shit. And we sent her right back home.”
“And there were no issues?”
“No, actually. Though he did plead with her father to see reason, without outing himself as her true mate. They came to some sort of agreement.”
“What does that mean?”
I walked over to them and smiled. “It means my girl is safe and protected outside of any territory. The distance sucks, but I have a mission to finish, and I am confident in her safety.”
“And they led me to believe you were irrational. That's the most level-headed thing I've ever heard coming from a mating male, especially a canine one.”