“This doesn't feel right. We should get out of here. The bush Tribes are one thing, but here in the city? No way these filthy animals can live here.”
“I have it on good authority.”
“What if you're being played? Look around this place. Do you see anything at all that suggests they aren’t human?”
“We have orders. Just take them and let's go.”
“What about the children?”
“We'll come back for them later.”
I closed the door and then backed away from it slowly.
“Tilly? What's going on? Who was talking?”
“They're here.”
“I don't know. The people trying to eliminate the Tribes.”
“That's not possible.”
“They know what we are. They have your parents and said they're coming back for the kids.”
“Do they know you're in the house?”
“No. They never came in here.”
“Still, I need you to get down and hide.”
I did what he asked and hid under his father's desk. There was no other place to go.
Heavy footsteps sounded in the hall.
“They're coming,” I whispered.
I held my breath as the door to the office swung open.
“Nobody's here.”
“Okay, let's take these two and go.”
“Yeah, let's get out of here.”
I held my breath once more.
“Where's the phone?”
“Who knows. No one actually uses those things anymore.”
“The light's green. Doesn't that mean it's in use?”
“How the hell do I know? I'm not sure I've ever had one before. You're just being paranoid. Let's go.”
I heard one of them walk into the room and over to the desk.