
Chapter 1

“Sometimes I get these weird dreams and I just never know if they’re visions or just, you know, dreams. So I’m always waiting for that déjà vu moment to hit me, and sometimes it just never comes. It’s exhausting. I am starting to remember things better, though. I think the sessions with Marie have really helped. I even have daytime visions now. It hasn’t been anything serious since that incident with the Collector, but you just never know, right?”

I stared out the window, counting down the seconds until this day was over, the moment I would officially be off duty and on vacation.

I hadn’t been home since before I started college. It was well overdue and I couldn’t wait.

Thirteen minutes.

“Lachlan? Right?”

“Right, yeah. You’re doing great. Keep going.”

Twelve more minutes.

I didn’t give a shit that this was my boss on my couch, spilling his innermost thoughts. In my mind, I was already on the beach, or maybe eating delicious meat pies covered in mushy peas from a vendor in downtown Sydney. I could practically smell the salty air and hear the hustle and bustle of city life.

“And I probably shouldn’t be telling you this, but I had this weird vision of you and Tucker together, like sexually, in some really disgusting positions that I didn’t even know were physically possible.”

“Yeah, that’s good. Keep going.” I froze as his words hit my brain. “What the fuck?”

Michael laughed as he sat up and shook his head at me.

“I knew you weren’t listening to a word I said today.”

I grimaced. “Sorry boss.”

“It’s alright. How long until you’re officially on vacation time?”

I didn’t need to look at my watch to know that answer, but trying not to look too excited, I pretended to check it.

“Seven and a half minutes.”

He chuckled. “I think we should call it early.”

“Really? I mean, no, you still have my full, undivided attention.”

“Lachie, I haven’t had your undivided attention in the last two weeks.”

I cringed. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be. Since you joined my team, you haven’t once even asked for a day off. Hell, not even just a few hours off for yourself. You are very overdue for a vacation and I’m thrilled that you can take this time off for yourself and to catch up with your family.”

“Three weeks. I won’t even know what to do with all that time off.”

“Well, a chunk of it will just be in travel.”

I grinned. “True. It’s a long flight to Sydney, but it’ll be worth it.”

“I really am happy for you. Let’s call this session a bust and pick up when you get back.”

“I feel bad for not really listening today. That’s not like me and you know it.”

“I know.”

“Did you have anything concerning you needed to discuss before I leave?”