“Honey, he’s our guest. He doesn’t need to put you to bed.”

He frowned at me. “What is mommy talking about? I would be honored to put you to bed.”

I stared at him like he was crazy. Vada was not the easiest kid to put down. She knew when she was tired and that she wanted to go to bed, but she would insist on brushing her teeth and then her hair. She would request five books read to her, three glasses of water, only one of which I would agree to, a minimum of two trips to the bathroom, and a bedtime snack which she knew she wouldn’t get because she’d already brushed her teeth, but we’d negotiate on a small treat with breakfast the next morning instead. It could be a trying ordeal.

Vada giggled, jumped down from his lap as her tiny hand wrapped around his finger.

“I show you.”

She dragged him through the house to her room, but not before stopping at the bathroom to brush her teeth and pull out her hairbrush.

I stood back and just watched him. I had no idea why I was even allowing it. I really didn’t know how long I’d be able to afford staying here and the last thing I needed was for Vada to get too attached to him. It would only hurt more when we moved on.

Still, I couldn’t bring myself to stop them as I watched in fascination as she told him how to brush her hair and then tried to take him to her room no doubt for her first book.

“Nope. Potty first, big girl.”

“No, Doc.”

“Yes, Vada. You just finished dinner and it’s time for bed. You need to use the potty first like all big girls have to do.”

“Big girl?”

“Yes, you.”

“I a big girl.”

“Yes you are. And big girls go potty before bed.”

She sighed dramatically and then much to my shock she went to the bathroom for him. Micah turned his back to her to give her privacy, and winked at me when he saw me watching them.

I blushed feeling like I had just been caught.

“All done,” Vada said grabbing his finger once more. “Book, Doc.”

“Not yet, big girl. We have to wash hands first.”

She frowned at him. “Book.”

“Proper hygiene. Wash those little hands, cutie pie.”

“Doc, too?”

“Doc too,” he agreed as they washed their hands together as Vada giggled at the funny faces he made.

This time, he scooped her up in his arms and threw her over his shoulder as she shrieked in delight.

“Where to?”

“My room.”

“This one?” he asked opening the door to the linen closet.

“No, silly.”

“How about this one?” he asked opening my door at the end of the hall.

“Dat mommy’s room.”