Sadness threatened to creep in at the thought, but I pushed it away. Those memories would not haunt me tonight. I was determined not to let them. Peyton thought it was all about Ben, but she was wrong. There was so much more to it.
“I think it’s very admiral and shows your true character that you care so much about them,” Walker said, breaking me from my memories.
I smiled. “Thanks.”
We chatted about lighter things for the remainder of the drive.
The steakhouse he took me to was a nice, upscale one. We didn’t have too many of those in this area. He pulled up to the front and let the valet park the car. There was something about Walker that was so commanding. I felt strong, important, and maybe even a little sexy on his arm.
He had called ahead and made reservations for us, so we were seated immediately. Conversation continued to flow seamlessly between us with no awkward moments. The longer I was with Walker the more relaxed I became until I realized I was actually enjoying myself on a real date with a very handsome man.
“So, what’s it like being stuck watching Oscar and Sara on trips like this?” I asked.
Walker grinned flashing an irresistible matching set of dimples. “They’re really good kids. Easiest gig I have going on. I almost wish they’d travel more often. I love kids and hope to have several myself someday.”
Sadness threatened to consume me, but I pushed it aside and nodded. “Me too,” I managed. “But for now, I’m happy spoiling my nieces and nephew knowing I can hand them back at any time.”
We both laughed and he raised his glass in agreement to that. Drinks were flowing freely as we devoured appetizers, salads, and soup before the main course arrived. Normally I was a bit self-conscious about eating on a date, but not this time. I barely even noticed as he ordered for us and food, drinks, and conversation continued throughout the evening.
I was sad to see it come to an end with a triple chocolate cake that was to die for.
After dinner, as we waited for the valet, I told him, “Thanks for tonight. I had a wonderful time. I’m sorry to see it end.”
“Unfortunately Sara’s an early riser, and if I understood your father correctly, you have school tomorrow. What are you studying? I think that may be the only thing we didn’t cover already tonight.”
I giggled feeling a little tipsy from all the wine I had drank. “Not studying, I’m a teacher. I teacher middle school English.”
“I’m impressed. That’s very admirable, and somehow quite fitting I think.”
“Well, thanks. It’s a recent career after trialing various jobs around Collier. This is my first year teaching full-time.”
“How’s it going?”
“So far, so good. I love it really. I love the kids and how busy but rewarding it is.”
We continued to chat about my job, and he opened up a little more about his on the drive home. All too soon we sitting in his car in front of my house.
He walked me to the door. When I turned to say goodbye, Walker kissed me. At first I froze and things felt a little awkward, but he was patient and kind with me, as he had been all evening. I relaxed and kissed him back. It was nice. Not an all-consuming passionate kiss, but certainly not a vacuum-cleaner-to-the-face sort of kiss, either.
He was a gentleman and said goodbye at the door without pressing things further. We agreed to see each other again the next day. When I said goodnight and made myself walk in the house, I turned to give him one final wave before shutting the door. I leaned back against it and smiled. I had genuinely had a good time with Walker, and it felt like this huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders.
It was late and I didn’t think anyone was still awake as I quietly walked upstairs to my bedroom. The first thing I noticed as I started to change into bed clothes was the picture of me and Ben from our senior prom stuck into the side of the mirror. I lovingly traced it with my finger, not allowing the pain it usually brought to consume me.
With a grin, I climbed into bed and turned on the lamp on the nightstand. I reached into the drawer and pulled out stationery and a pen. It had become a bedtime tradition, but after tonight, I was ready to move on.
Dear Ben,
This will be the last time I write to you. I think I’m finally ready to say goodbye and let the past stay in the past. I met someone tonight. His name is Walker. I think you’d like him. No, he’s not “the one” and I doubt anything will come of it, but he opened my eyes and my heart to the possibility of love again. In order for that to happen, I have to let you go. You don’t have to worry about me anymore. I’m going to be okay.
All my love,
I stared at the letter I’d just written, letting the emotions seep in. I nodded, knowing it was the right thing to do. I placed it an envelope, sealed it, added a little heart sticker to the back, and wrote the date on the front. I got up and added it to the box on the top shelf of my closet, then put my stationery away and turned out the light.
Chapter 6