Page 8 of Confusing Hearts

“Wow, this one is really good. We’ll use it.”

I glanced down to see a picture of me. I was in the woods, twirling while taking a selfie. My hair was wild and fanning out around me. I had done it for fun, never planning for anyone to see it.

“Not that one,” I whispered, horrified. “Can’t we use one not featuring me?”

“No, that defeats the term ‘selfie.’ Sorry, it’s the assignment, which you’d know if you were paying attention.” He wasn’t scolding me, and I didn’t even feel judged. He seemed more amused than anything, like he knew he was the source of my frustrations, but not in a self-assured cocky manner either.

“Okay,” I conceded. “What are we supposed to do?”

“Fade, add a glow, and pop a color.”

“That’s it?” I asked him, surprised by how simple the assignment was. I actually did know what he was talking about and my entire body started to relax as I set about doing as he instructed.

“Wow, I’m impressed. That’s really good.”

My heart beat harder and my palms sweated at his praise. I wiped them on my jeans subconsciously, and chewed my lower lip, a nervous habit I had given up trying to break.

“Thanks,” I managed, though my voice sounded a little huskier than usual, causing his pupils to dilate. I was glad to see a real sign that I was affecting him in some way. “I’ve dabbled a little on my own.”

“You’ve never taken a formal class?” he asked, sounding surprised.

I shook my head, continuing to trouble my lip, until his eyes lowered, entranced by the sight. I sucked in a breath and forced myself to stop.

“What other classes are you taking?” he asked, changing the subject.

“I still haven’t decided on a major, so I’m taking mostly basic classes, too. Okay, so I know what I want to major in, I just don’t think it will be allowed,” I confessed, shocking myself by my admittance. I had never told another soul about my desire to go into photography and maybe expand to a business with graphic design work as well. I didn’t even know if I was good enough.

“Don’t keep me in suspense, what is it? And why wouldn’t it be allowed?”

Sadness consumed me. “Daddy would never allow it. It’s a pointless major. No real career path, at least not befitting a princess.” I hadn’t meant to tell him that either. There was just something about Chase that made me spill my guts when he asked. It was a habit I was going to have to find a way to break quickly.

“So, what is it? No, let me guess… basket weaving? No, too cliché. How about underground Russian music management?”

“What?” I laughed. “Is that even a thing?”

He shrugged, but continued. “Nude model? I hear they pay really well, and since I’m taking three art classes this semester, I won’t deny I’m onboard with that one.”

The heat that had resided in my cheeks spread to my ears and chest quickly. I had to change the subject. “You’re an art major?”

“Minor. Business major. Kind of a family thing, not my first choice.”

“Oh, yeah, I know how that feels. Wait, you don’t need calculus for a business degree, do you?”

He shrugged and flashed his dimples at me. “I’m not really sure I need any of the classes I’m taking this year for a business degree, but what fun would college be if we only studied the mandatory stuff?”

“Won’t that put you behind for graduation though?” It had been my biggest worry when I had signed up for the graphics design and photography classes on a whim.

This time I noticed his cheeks blushing and he ran a hand through that thick brown hair of his. I wondered if that was his nervous habit, like me chewing on my bottom lip.

“I, uh, I only need two classes to graduate in my major.” He looked around like it was some big secret. “But I’m only a junior and don’t want to graduate early, so I picked up a few minors. This semester I’m focusing on art, specifically graphic design, which is something I enjoy.”

“Oh, wow, you must be really smart.”

“Shhh, don’t say that so loud.” He looked around the room like he was making sure no one heard us.

I laughed at him. “There’s nothing wrong with being smart, Chase. I heard our calc professor practically beg you to be his TA, so it’s not exactly surprising. Why’d you turn him down?”

“Damn, you heard that? I hope you were the only one. It’s just, it’s not my reputation around here, and I prefer to keep it that way.”