Page 4 of One True Mate

Normally I have an aversion to smells due to my heightened wolf senses. They're always there even when she isn't present. But not Kyle Westin. He smelled of pines and comfort and home. His smell was exactly the smell that caused me to stop here while driving through this small town of San Marco. It's the smell of the woods near my house and what makes me feel so secure and at peace. I couldn't ever remember feeling like that anywhere else and I would have been heartbroken not to have gotten the job and have to leave in a few months when I could no longer afford both school and the house.

But it wasn't just the smell of the man who was now my new boss. It was everything. He carried himself with such authority even my wolf was cowering at times. However, he also seemed kind and maybe a little too interested in getting to know me. Whatever happened, I could not let him in. I had to stay strong. I've never needed anyone. Just me and my wolf and that's the way it always had to be, because I couldn't bear the thought of him knowing I was truly a monster.

I backed the car up and quickly headed home. My skin was itching all over, which was a clear sign my wolf wanted out. I couldn't let her just run off in the woods though. We did that a few times when we first arrived, but it was a such a small town I was afraid someone would learn my secret. I made a promise to myself to lay low and not let that happen. I wanted to be here for more than a few months.

As I pulled up to my house, my wolf surged forward trying to take control. She hadn't done that since my earliest transformations.

“What is wrong with you? Calm down!” I said out loud, thankful once again for the lack of neighbors around.

As I was turning the key in the door, I heard a howl and froze. I looked around and was startled to see a very large brown wolf standing at the edge of the woods. He sorta bowed, or at least that's what it reminded me of, and then sat up and howled once again. It seemed to speak to my wolf in a primal way that I didn't understand, and it scared me. I quickly ran inside and shut the door. Why had I taken so long to do that to begin with? I knew better than anyone how dangerous a creature like that was. Sure, he was just an ordinary wolf, but still.

My wolf surged again, trying to gain control.

“Stop that,” I fussed. “Let me change first. You aren't messing up this suit.”

I quickly changed not bothering to put anything on, then gave one last look out the big picture window facing the woods only to find the wolf still standing guard.

“Standing guard?” I laughed to myself. “Where on earth did that come from?”

I headed down to the basement, locking the door behind me and inhaling the pine scent. It was missing something today. It was missing something uniquely him that I couldn't quite place, but for now, this would have to do. Looking around at the new den I had created for us, I gave into the shiver and let my wolf take control.

Shifting had never really hurt me. I didn't understand why or how, but I was thankful for it, and I was still coherent even when she took over. I saw everything and heard everything and felt everything. It was still me, only it wasn't. Or at least I had always needed to keep the two of us separate in my mind. It also allowed me to talk to her, and while some people would think that insane, it comforted me.

When I had first changed, I was scared to death of my wolf. I was scared of me and what I might do to someone, but as time went on, I found comfort in her instead. After all, she was the only one who could ever know our secret. Her constant presence gave me comfort and companionship where I hadn't found, or allowed myself, with humans.

My wolf tried to run for the door. I knew she wanted to just run. So did I. I was sad for her and for me, but for now, this was just the way it had to be. She paced restlessly around the room for quite a while before settling down with a sad whimper.

When I awoke the next morning, naked and back in human form, it took me a few minutes to get my bearings straight. The den. I was down in the wolf den. Sunlight was creeping through the tiny window I had carefully covered to allow light through but make it impossible for someone to really see in. Groggily, I looked around and spotted the wall clock I had put up just for times like this. It read 6:00.

Six am? I bolted upright and ran up the stairs, unlocking the door and slamming it shut behind me. I headed straight for the shower. Even coffee would have to wait. I was not going to be late for my first day of work.

Dressing in a short navy pencil skirt and cream colored blouse, I threw on a pair of cute strappy heels and carefully applied my makeup. I had never really needed much in the makeup department, but I made the extra effort for my first day on the job. Nerves and excitement coexisted the entire drive over, but when I reached what was to be my new office, I took a deep breath and was instantly calmed.

Two minutes later, Kyle Westin strolled into his reception area. He froze and appeared to breathe deeply before looking around.

“Good morning, Mr. Westin,” I said trying to keep the nerves out of my voice.

When our eyes met, I felt a weird slam of recognition. The same thing had happened the first time I had met him. It was sort of a déjà vu feeling. Can you déjà vu a déjà vu incident?

He looked at his watch and frowned before looking back at me.

“Ms. Adams, I wasn't expecting you for another half hour.”

“I know you said 8am sharp, but I like to be early. It gives me time to settle in and sip my coffee before the craziness of the day begins.”

I smiled sweetly and hoped he didn't think I was weird. I really wanted Kyle Westin to like me and approve of my work. I've never really cared much what anyone thought of me as long as my secret stayed safe, but for some reason, it mattered to me now.

“Did you find the coffee maker and everything to your satisfaction? I can call Lily in here to show you around and how to use the thing if you want. Heck if I could ever figure it out myself.”

He gave me a big smile that nearly melted my panties off. I hadn't even thought about the need to make him coffee, but of course that would likely fall under an assistant's responsibility.

“Of course, that would be great.”

I expected him to walk into his office and perhaps place a phone call. I was more than a little surprised when, instead, he poked his head out into the hallway and yelled.

“Lil, get in here.”

A petite brunette with similar hazel brown-green eyes to Kyle bounced into the room.