Page 20 of Personal Foul

Romilly:Ah. Throws the ball, right?

He sent a faceplant emoji.Yes. I need to teach you all the positions.

Romilly:My best friend is Google.

Kaiden:I think you need a new best friend. I volunteer as tribute.

She laughed.BFFs!


Kaiden:Used pads today for a scrimmage. Got knocked around. Now my bruises have bruises.

Romilly:I assume bruises are the norm for football players.

Kaiden:Yeah. Sometimes you can see shapes in them. Like you can with clouds.

Romilly:As an artist, I use pareidolia a lot for inspiration.

Kaiden:Are you saying I inspire you?

Romilly:I’m saying nothing on the grounds that it may embarrass me.

Cry laughing emoji sent.


Kaiden:What’s your favorite color?

Romilly:Red. Yours?

Kaiden:Blue. Is that a boring answer?

Romilly:No answer is boring.

Kaiden:If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Romilly:Probably Paris. It might sound boring but I’d love to visit the Louvre.

Kaiden:If blue isn’t boring as a color, then the Louvre isn’t boring as a travel destination.

Romilly smiled, more than charmed by his response.Tell me all your favorites.

Kaiden:Only if you tell me yours.


Romilly:Would you rather travel back in time or go forward to see the future?

Kaiden:Easy. Future. I’d love to see Starfleet. You?

Romilly:Future. A night in a haunted house or a week in the desert?

Kaiden:Haunted house. I’ve seenDune. Not a fan of the worms.

Romilly:Since I have zero survival skills, haunted house for me. Would you rather have the ability to be invisible or to read people’s minds?

Kaiden:Good one. Invisible. You can spy on any person you want, wherever you want. Mwahahaha.