Zack nodded his agreement. “You’re going to have to sit on her, Beau. And keep her on a very tight leash. We can’t do our job if we have to worry about protecting her at every turn.”

“Tell me about it,” Beau muttered.

He rubbed his hands over his face, suddenly weary as the events of the day caught up to him. Shot at, forced off the road, shot at again. Ari going down. For him. Ari using her powers. To protect him. He’d never felt so goddamn useless in his life. Even when Caleb had been utterly focused on Ramie’s protection as well as his family, particularly Tori, who was still fragile and dealing with nightmares from her abduction well over a year ago, Beau had always maintained a steady hand, helping his brother through the unthinkable.

Yet one small slip of a woman, vulnerable and . . . good . . . had him shaken and unsteady, things he’d always possessed—needed. And she was good to the depths of her soul. He had uncanny instincts for discerning people’s character, and it was evident, not only to him, but to anyone who came into contact with her. She wasn’t right for, nor did she deserve someone like him, who saw in shades of gray and not black and white. The lines of right and wrong blurred for him when it came to those who mattered to him. He wasn’t above bending the law when it suited his purposes. People like Ari only saw the good in others, and now suddenly she was witnessing a whole new side of the world and it was heartbreaking to see the veil of innocence gone from her eyes and the deep hurt and sorrow that had replaced it. Her entire existence, the carefully constructed protective barrier she’d always lived in, had been shattered in the space of one day. It was natural that she was bewildered, frantic and her thoughts in utter chaos, and yet she hadn’t crumbled at the first sign of adversity. She’d faced down their attackers and unleashed a storm of fury and retribution and the hell of it was she very likely felt guilty for acting to save not only herself but him and Brent as well.

“Just so you know, when I called Caleb, he demanded to know what the hell was going on and he’s on his way over. Knowing him, he’ll probably beat the doctor,” Zack said dryly.

Beau didn’t know whether to be relieved or pissed that his older brother was inserting himself. Usually they worked as a team but for some inexplicable reason, he considered this mission . . . his. Only he, and those he chose as his team, most certainly headed by Zack—not Dane—would work this case.

Caleb had other concerns. He’d just finished construction on the house he’d built for Ramie after their old one had undergone extensive damage. Tori—for now—stayed with Caleb and Ramie while Beau had rebuilt on the same piece of land. The security breach that had led to the destruction had been taken care of permanently and Beau liked the isolation and the security of the original home. He understood why Caleb would want a fresh start with his wife, away from a place that had brought them both so much pain.

For the first time since their parents had died, the Devereaux siblings had split up, no longer living together under the same roof, where they could ensure the protection of their younger sister. Tori was safe with Caleb. Beau had chosen to remain here, in the rebuilt home that had been nearly destroyed, while Quinn had chosen a high-rise apartment close to the DSS headquarters in downtown Houston.

On cue, the front door burst open and Caleb strode inside, his features set in stone, but worry was reflected in his blue eyes. To Beau’s surprise, Ramie accompanied him and Beau frowned. Had they left Tori alone?

His question must have been obvious on his face because Caleb immediately responded.

“Dane and Eliza are with Tori,” he clipped out. “I’m more concerned with what the hell went on today. Why didn’t you fill me in from the start?”

“Ari came to me,” Beau said simply. “She came into the offices, scared to death. Her father had told her if she was ever in trouble to seek out either you or me. I was the one there so it was me. I saw no reason to bother you when I have things well in hand.”

Caleb arched a brow. “I don’t consider being shot at, run off the road and having three destroyed vehicles and you narrowly escaping with your life having things well in hand.”

“I’ve got it handled,” Beau said through gritted teeth.

“What happened, Beau?” Ramie asked softly as she took the seat next to him on the sofa.

He noted she was careful not to touch him and it was just as well, because she’d instantly be blasted with his rage and dark thoughts and that was the last thing he wanted for his sister-in-law. She’d had enough violence and evil in her young life. He’d be damned before ever being the cause of further pain.

Just then the buzz sounded from someone wanting to gain access through the security gate at the entrance to the long winding driveway. Zack strode over to the call box and briefly exchanged words with the doctor, all the while studying the video monitor carefully to make sure the physician was the sole occupant of the vehicle. He buzzed him in and Beau rose, unwilling to have this conversation with his brother until he was assured that Ari was all right.

“Zack can fill you in on what we know,” Beau said. He narrowed his gaze at his older brother, staring intently, not looking away even for an instant. “But Caleb, this one is mine. Zack will work it with me and he’ll handpick his team.”

Caleb’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Dane is the head of security. Shouldn’t the call be his?”

“I sign Dane’s paychecks,” Beau ground out impatiently. “He has a job going on and I’m not going to pull him off for this. Not when Zack and I are perfectly capable of handling this situation.”