“You know what? You’re right.” I said, abandoning my hair. “I think maybe we should reschedule the lesson.”

Adam sat up. “Hey, I was just kidding.”

I sighed. “I know. Look, it’s not you. I’m just kind of stressed out right now. I don’t think I’m up for it.”

Adam opened his mouth to respond when Giguhl walked in.

“What up, peeps?”

I looked at my hairless cat for a moment. “ ‘What up, peeps’? You’ve been watching MTV again, haven’t you?”

“Word.” Giguhl bounded onto the bed. “So what’s up?”

“Sabina just told me she doesn’t want to work on her magic.”

Giguhl’s eyes swiveled to me just as I started making slashing motions to my neck at Adam. Caught, I stopped and smiled weakly.

“Sabina, you promised you’d take this seriously.” His wrinkly, hairless face was stamped with disapproval.

“Can we talk about this later?”

“No, we cannot. You promised you’d get Adam to help you send me back.”

Adam held up his hands. “I already told her I’d help. But my question is: How did you end up as a cat?”

Giguhl shook his head sadly. “The magical misfit over here screwed up a spell.”

I stepped in. “Hey, I tried, didn’t I? It’s not my fault the spell book was wrong.”

Giguhl shot me an annoyed look. “Whatever helps you sleep at night, Red.”

“Wait a second,” Adam slowly dragged his gaze away from Giguhl and focused on me. “You did this? What were you thinking doing magic without any training?”

My cheeks flushed under Adam’s stare.

“Have you considered the possibility that Giguhl is your familiar? Most mages have them.”

“I’m not really a mage, and he’s not my familiar,” I said quickly. “He’s kind of like a sidekick or something.”

Giguhl huffed. “Sidekick my scaly ass. I’m clearly the brains in this operation.”

I sent him a look to let him know he wasn’t helping.

“Don’t look at me like that,” he said. “I’m still pissed about having to wear those sweaters.”

Adam’s eyes widened. “Sweaters?”

I waved him off. “Long story.”

Adam rubbed his temple, as if doing so would massage some sense into the situation. “I’m so confused right now.”

“Join the club.”

Adam opened his mouth to respond, but Giguhl interrupted. “Let’s get back to that thing you said about zapping me,” he said to Adam. “You’re the one who summoned me, so you should be able to send me back to Irkalla, right?”

Adam let out a disgusted sigh and turned to Giguhl. “What tier are you?”

Giguhl sat up straighter. “I’m a fifth-level mischief demon.”

“What area of Irkalla do you come from?”

“Gizal, in the southern region near the Pit of Despair.”

“Wait,” I said. “Can you really send him back?”

Adam nodded, not looking happy. “Yeah. But I wouldn’t recommend it. He’s still here for a reason.”

Giguhl and I ignored Adam and exchanged a look. “Do you want to go back right now?” I asked.

He shrugged. “I guess. I mean, if it’s okay with you.”

He looked so hopeful that my stomach dropped. I didn’t want my friend to leave. But I knew it was unfair to deny him this chance.

“Will he be able to come back?” I asked Adam.

Adam nodded. “Yes, but you’ll definitely have to have more training.”

I looked back at Giguhl, who was practically squirming with excitement on the bed. I smiled at his enthusiasm even as my heart felt bruised in my chest. I’d gotten so used to having him around. Even though Adam said I could learn how to summon him again, it wouldn’t be fair to do so anytime soon. Taking a deep breath, I said, “If it’s what you really want, then it’s okay with me.”

Giguhl jumped off the bed and wound around my legs. I couldn’t hold back my smile at his affection. As he purred “thank you, thank you, thank you,” I fought the tightness in my chest.

He pulled away and turned to Adam. “Well, mage, what are you waiting for? Send me home.”

Adam looked at me for confirmation and I nodded, despite the churning in my stomach. He picked up his backpack from the floor. From it, he took out a large vial filled with white crystals.

“Sabina, pay attention because your real lessons begin now,” Adam said. “Giguhl, stand over there.” He pointed to an open space on the floor near the door. When Giguhl was in place, Adam circled him, pouring the white grains around him.

“This is salt. It helps focus the energy of the spell. Blood is best, but salt will do in a pinch.” He was all business now. Next, he took a book from the bag. “Since the demon is from a lower level, you have to tailor the spell to return him to the right place. With more powerful demons, it’s not as important because their energy is drawn to Irkalla like a magnet.”

As he flipped through the book, Giguhl watched me. “Sabina, before I go, I need to tell you something.” I tore my glance from Adam to look at my friend. “No matter what happens, remember to trust yourself. Loyalty has its place, but your first responsibility is to yourself.”

“Don’t go getting all Oprah on me now, demon,” I said. The comeback was lost under the tremor in my voice.

“I’m serious,” he said. Adam made a show of being engrossed in his book. “Trust your instincts.”

The sarcasm drained from me, like a melting piece of armor. “I’m going to miss you,” I said, finally putting words to the feelings churning inside me.

“I’m gonna miss you too, kid. Just listen to the mancy here, and he’ll teach you how to bring me back if you need me.”

“If you two are done with the heartfelt good-byes, I’m ready to do this,” Adam said.

Adam began to chant in an ancient tongue I assumed was Hekatian. Within seconds, Giguhl’s body became transparent, with a shimmery green aura. “Good-bye,” he said just before his outline blinked away entirely.

The whole thing was over in just a few seconds, but it seemed like a lifetime had passed. Adam looked at me and closed the book. “You okay?”

I nodded and rubbed at my eyes, which had mysteriously begun to sting. “You know, I’ve been trying to get rid of him, but now that he’s gone, I wish he wasn’t.”