“On the contrary, it’s quite amusing from this perspective. Did you know your face turns a lovely shade of pink when you’re pissed?”

“I’ve veered right past pissed and straight into apocalyptic.” Blood rushed to my head, making me dizzy. “Put me down!”

“Not so fast. Since I have you at my mercy, I think it’s time we get a few things straight.”

“Screw you.”

“Might be interesting given the position, but no thanks,” he said. “Now, I’ve been thinking about this, and it’s time you agreed to begin your magical training.”

“Right. Like I want to spend even more time with you than I’ll already be forced to endure.”

“Seriously, Sabina. It’s long past time you learned,” he said. When I refused to answer, he sighed. “I’m not letting you down until you agree.”

I shook my head, refusing to dignify his threat with a response.

“You’re turning purple.”

Blood pounded behind my eyeballs. I gritted my teeth against a wave of nausea. Inside, I was yelling at myself for being so stubborn. Maybe if I agreed to the training, he’d help me send Giguhl home and forget about making me meet my mancy family. So why was I being so pigheaded?

I knew the truth. It was just hard to admit it to myself. I was embarrassed. It was bad enough Adam had bested me at my own game. It was even worse I needed his help. Admitting that really chapped my ass.


I rolled my eyes up to look at him. “Fine! One session.”


“One and you help me send Giguhl home.”

“You don’t have much experience with negotiation do you?”

My head hurt and I was starting to see little stars superimposed on his face. “That’s my final offer.”

“You’re no fun,” he said. “Okay, we’ll start with one.”

Just as quickly as it began, I found myself standing upright again. Vertigo rushed through my head and I swayed right into Adam. He reached to steady me, but I pushed away and sat on the edge of the bed. The room spun for a moment as my equilibrium returned. The lightheadedness passed quickly, replaced by embarrassment. I took that and twisted it into anger, an emotion I felt more comfortable with.

“You ass**le!” I said, standing again.

Adam’s shit-eating grin did nothing to bank the fire in my belly. “You deserved it after that cheap shot. My ass is still sore.”


“Seriously, Sabina? You might want to look into some anger management classes. You’re awfully touchy.”

“Touchy!” I took a menacing step toward him. He didn’t move, just looked at me with a challenge in his eyes. I paused, realizing he’d been trying to get a rise out of me all along. Not wanting to give him any further satisfaction, I clenched my fists and forced myself to calm down. I counted to ten. He was still grinning. I took two cleansing breaths. He cocked an eyebrow. That did it.

“Fine! You win. Are you happy?”


I stalked out of the room, embarrassed by my lack of control. I’d given my opponent the upper hand the minute I lost my temper. It was a rookie mistake, and I knew better.

Vinca and Giguhl were curled on the couch watching Oprah when I stormed out. Their eyes widened, seeing me in full fang. “Did you kill him?” Giguhl asked.

Vinca nudged the cat and pointed behind me. Adam strolled into the room, looking like he didn’t have a care in the world. He smiled at my roommates before winking at me. I clenched my fists, knowing he was trying to goad me into embarrassing myself in front of my friends.

“Wait a second,” Vinca said. “What’s going on here?”

“Nothing,” I said. “Adam’s leaving.” Two sets of eyes moved from me to Adam, as if watching a tennis match.

Adam looked at his wrist. “Actually, I don’t have to be anywhere for a while. Anyone want to order pizza?”

“I do!”

“I do.”

“No!” I said, staring down the two betrayers on the couch.

“That’s three against one, Sabina. Sucks to be you.” The cat grinned at me, which looked just as odd as it sounds. Just for that, I silently vowed to hide all his catnip.

“Fine,” I said. “I’m going out.”

Adam raised an eyebrow, which was as good as calling me a coward. “Before you go, what time do you want me here tomorrow?”

I eyed him with suspicion. “For what?”

“To begin your magic lessons, of course.”

“Magic lessons?” Giguhl perked up. The hope on his face made me bite back the retort I’d been about to toss. I narrowed my eyes at Adam. He’d just set me up. Again.

“Be here at dusk. You’ll have thirty minutes before we need to go to the temple for our first strategy meeting.” I expected him to argue at the short time I’d given him. Instead, he smiled.

“Okay,” he said with a shrug. He then dismissed me, turning to my friends. “How about pepperoni?”

As they debated the merits of anchovies, I turned to the door. Part of me hoped one of them would try to convince me to stay. How had Adam worked his way into the group so quickly? And how did I end up feeling like an outsider just as fast?

I grabbed my coat from the chair and opened the door. With a final glance over my shoulder, I saw the three of them laughing. Vinca stared at Adam with obvious sexual interest, while Giguhl looked like he had a serious case of hero worship.

I stalked out into the night, slamming the door behind me. Their laughter carried through the wood, following me through the courtyard.

Screw them, I thought. This was why I didn’t believe in friendship. You couldn’t trust anyone to be loyal for the long haul. An image of David’s face flashed in my head.

Nope, you couldn’t trust anyone. I was proof of that.

I returned two hours later, my cheeks warm despite the cool night air. The recent infusion of fresh blood, courtesy of a mugger who’d been stalking women in a local park, did wonders for my mood. I always did get a little bitchy when my reserves ran low. At least, that’s what I told myself as I thought about the scene I’d made earlier in front of Adam.

While I was out, I had some time to think about how to handle the fact I’d botched Clovis’s assassination. I knew Lavinia was waiting for my call. There’d be hell to pay when I didn’t check in. My only hope at this point was to try again the next night. After my training session with Adam, we’d head over to the temple to plan the attack. After the meeting, I’d ask Clovis to meet in private about some detail of the plan. That’s when I’d do it. Sure, it meant taking an extra day, but I hoped the Dominae would overlook that in light of my success. Until then, I just had to avoid my cell phone.