“Training for what?”

“For service to Lilith, of course.”

I hesitated. “What exactly does service to Lilith entail? Like religious service?”

He paused. “Something like that. It is our belief that instead of warring against each other and the humans, the Lilim and mortals should band together to make the world a better place. After all, whether Lilim or Adamite, we are all children of God.”

I almost gagged. Seriously, no one I knew ever said His name. Most vamps believe we were forsaken by Him. After all, Lilith had disobeyed the big guy in Eden and then—after sowing her wild oats—shacked up with Asmodeus in Irkalla. Not exactly a righteous path by biblical standards.

Besides all that, I didn’t trust the line of bullshit Clovis was feeding me. His spiel seemed a little too polished. My guess was he was training his recruits to rise up against the Dominae. Although why he would use mancies and humans to do it was beyond me.

“Tell me something, Sabina,” he said, leaning against one of the bunks. “Haven’t you ever wished you weren’t discriminated against because of your mixed ancestry?”

It was a low blow. I gritted my teeth to hold back my angry retort. “I’ll admit it’s been frustrating at times.”

He looked into my eyes then, as if he was trying to see into my soul. Something told me he might just succeed. “Haven’t you ever felt angry that you bear the burdens of your parent’s sins? Haven’t you longed to be at peace?”

He continued to stare into my eyes as he spoke. A sense of calm washed over me, almost as if he was hypnotizing me with those obsidian eyes. Suddenly, I felt a brush against my mind. The nudge rocked me out of my trance. The last thing I needed was Clovis busting through my mental barriers. I cleared my throat and focused my energy on keeping him out.

He smiled knowingly. “You don’t trust me yet to see your secrets. I hope in time you’ll let me in.”

Don’t hold your breath, buddy, I thought.

“If I were to agree to join your”—I’d almost said cult but stopped myself just in time—“group. What would it entail exactly?”

He started walking again, through another door and back out into the courtyard. As we walked, he seemed to be pondering my question, as if he hadn’t given it thought before. Riiight.

Even though I didn’t trust him any more than I would a snake, as we walked my body felt drawn to his. I literally had to force myself to keep a respectable distance between us. He stood about a head taller than me and the broadness of his shoulders was emphasized by the cut of his suit. And that face. Damn. A face like that would make a nun reconsider her vows.

So, yes, physically he was gorgeous in a hot villain kind of way. But it was more than that. He had some aura about him that was pure seduction. I’d do best to remember he was my enemy.

We’d reached the fountain again by the time he spoke. “Your initiation would happen fairly quickly. Just a formality, really.”

Again, I noticed he failed to give specifics. “I don’t mean to be rude here, but if I’m going to agree to join you, I’m going to need particulars. What is the project and exactly what does the initiation entail?”

He ran a hand across the surface of the water, almost as if he was stroking it. He lifted the hand and water dripped from his fingertips. With one finger, he reached up and rubbed the liquid on his full bottom lip. My mouth went dry and my crotch got wet.

He shrugged. “I’m afraid I can’t reveal that until you agree to join me. However, I’m sure you’ll have no problem.”

“And the project?”

He rubbed the remaining water between his palms and watched me. “I’m afraid the details will have to wait until the initiation rites have been performed.”

“You sure don’t give a girl a lot to go on, do you?”

He smiled. “Unfortunately, the nature of the assignment is such that only those within my circle of trust can know the details.”

He was a slippery one, I’d give him that.

“Say I decide against joining you,” I said. “What then?”

He shrugged. “Then you go your way and I go mine. However, I’m sure that won’t happen.”

My eyes narrowed. “And why is that?”

“Because soon enough you’re going to realize that the world is about to change for all the dark races. Those not aligned with a power will find themselves trampled.”

“I can take care of myself,” I said.

“I have no doubt on that account,” he said. “However, I seriously doubt you want both the Dominae and me as your enemies.”

Ah. There it was. A subtle threat, but a threat nonetheless.

He straightened from his slouch. “Forgive me. There’s no need for that kind of talk now.” His smile was friendly, but the threat hung in the air between us. “Where are you staying while you’re in town?”

The change in subject caught me off guard. “In a hotel with my de—cat.”

“If it wouldn’t be too forward, I’d like to offer another suggestion.”

I tilted my head, trying to figure out where he was going with this.

“The Temple owns a few apartment complexes around town. It just so happens a female member of the congregation has an extra room.”

I was already shaking my head when he held a hand up to stall my protest.

“Vinca is one of my brightest followers. I think you two would get along splendidly,” he said. “I’m sure she would be happy to answer any of your questions about the good work we do here.”

“That’s nice of you to offer,” I lied. “However, I’d feel uncomfortable moving in with someone I’ve never met.”

We had almost reached the front doors of the church again. Frank was standing sentinel in the hall.

“Oh, but I insist,” Clovis said. “Unless you’d like to move into our dormitories here?”

That idea I liked even less than moving in with this Vinca chick. I quickly weighed my options. Arguing too much might make him suspicious. But I seriously didn’t like the idea that someone would be able to track my movements. However, living with one of Clovis’ people might give me an edge. If I could cozy up to this Vinca and pump her for details, the arrangement might work in my favor. I looked at Clovis, who smiled as if my acquiescence was guaranteed. I guess, in the end, I really didn’t have a choice.

“Okay, I’ll do it. I only ask that you give me a little time to consider your offer.”