The wind picked up, whipping a few pieces of trash around the base of the octagon. With it came the distinctive scent of male vampire—a mix of blood and musky pheromones, meant to disarm potential victims.

Frank strolled in from the back of the Rotunda. His relaxed gait gave the appearance of a man out alone enjoying the night air. But as he approached, I saw a handful of other males, new arrivals who awkwardly tried to fit in with the tourists. Clovis wasn’t among them. Not sure how I knew this; I just did.

Frank stopped in front of me and nodded. “Glad you could make it.”

I stretched my arms along the back of the bench, a portrait of relaxation. “So is it just you and the welcoming committee tonight?” I asked, nodding in the direction of the other men.

Frank glanced over his shoulder with a smile. “Come now, Sabina. Surely you didn’t think Clovis would come here himself.”

I placed my hands on my thighs and pushed upright. “I don’t appreciate being played, Frank. Games don’t amuse me.”

Frank moved in front of me, holding up his hands. “Not so fast. I’m sure you understand the obvious security issues involved with such a meeting. Let’s not forget how recently you were on the Dominae’s payroll.”

My hands landed on my hips. “You need to check your memory there, Frank,” I said. “You approached me, remember?”

“True,” he said. “Which is why Clovis has instructed me to bring you to the temple.”

Okay, now I was annoyed. Why didn’t they just have me go there to begin with? My question must have been written on my face because Frank responded.

“Clovis wanted to be sure you came alone.”

“Clovis sounds a little paranoid, if you ask me.”

“You would be too, if you had the Dominae threatening your life,” Frank said, watching me closely. “Then again, I guess you do know what that’s like.”

He was testing me. I silently cursed my big mouth. Of course, Clovis would want to be careful. And, for someone who supposedly had pissed off the Dominae, I was acting awfully unaffected.

“Look, I didn’t mean to offend anyone. I’m just annoyed because I feel like I’m getting jerked around here.”

He stared at me for a moment, then said, “Understandable, but also unavoidable. Now, if you’ll follow me, I’ll take you to meet Clovis.”

I hesitated. I hadn’t expected this. “Uh … where are you parked? I’ll get my bike and pull around to follow you.”

Frank walked away, expecting me to follow. “That won’t be necessary. It’s hard to drive wearing a blindfold.”

He wasn’t kidding. About the blindfold, that is. It chafed my face as I sat in the back of a limo, surrounded by guys with extremely broad shoulders.

Normally, I would never have gotten into the car, much less allowed myself to be rendered sightless by anyone. But I knew the only way I’d be able to meet Clovis was if I conceded. Frank had assured me it was merely a security measure, but it felt more like a test. If I agreed too readily then he’d suspect something. However, if I gave too much of a protest I’d also arouse suspicions. So I played the middle ground. After a few half-hearted complaints, I pretended to reluctantly agree.

The limo went over a bump, which lurched me in the direction of a hard body. I quickly righted myself, while trying to listen. Unfortunately, the men in the car kept up a steady stream of dull conversation, discussing everything from the weather to sports. I’d hoped they’d at least let a bit of information about Clovis’ operation slip, but no dice. I took a deep breath and tried to mentally prepare myself for the upcoming meeting with Clovis.

I knew almost nothing about him other than his name and that he was part demon. My only exposure to demonkind was through Giguhl. I wasn’t sure, but I highly doubted most demons watched Oprah.

Regardless, in a few moments I’d finally see the infamous Clovis Trakiya in the flesh. I took a deep breath to calm what felt like bats taking flight in my midsection. The car slowed and then finally stopped.

Show time.


Rough hands grabbed my shoulders and pulled me out. My feet hit the pavement and I stumbled. Someone reached to help me, brushing my right breast in the process.

“Oops, sorry,” Frank said, sounding anything but. I gritted my teeth and focused on taking cautious steps. I held one hand in front of me, praying I wouldn’t walk straight into a wall.

“Four steps.” Frank said close to my ear. He placed a hand at my elbow to help me. I longed to shake him off, but knew I wouldn’t get very far without his help. His cologne smelled like cheap drugstore aftershave and he’d applied it liberally. I held my breath and cautiously picked my way up the stairs with him guiding me. A loud creaking sound that could only signal a large door opening sounded in front of me. The moist coolness of the night quickly gave way to warmth. The air here was thick with the perfume of incense and candle wax.

Fingers at the back of my head untied the blindfold. I blinked a few times as my eyes tried to regain focus. We were in what appeared to be a church vestibule. A smattering of candles flickered in the dim room. To my left, Frank stood, watching me closely. We were alone. Up ahead was another set of doors, large wooden panels etched with ancient symbols, resembling cuneiform.

“The service is about to begin,” Frank said. “Go in and take a seat. Clovis will meet with you after.”

When I hesitated, Frank nodded at the doors. I took a deep breath and walked forward. The sounds of chanting and voices raised in song filtered through the thick doors. The handles were made of gold and the metal felt cold for a moment before my grasp warmed them. Squeaking hinges announced my arrival in the chapel.

Here, the spicy scent of the incense was stronger. My sensitive nose detected notes of calming spikenard in the mix, as well as an undertone of something sickly sweet. Clovis would later tell me he sprinkled white powder heroine in the censers. No doubt about it, visitors to the Temple of the Moon were being primed for submission.

A tall male dressed in black robes stood upon a dais in front of the altar. His eyes found me, and my body jerked to a standstill. His eyes narrowed as he took me in, then a slow smile spread across his saturnine features.

“Clovis.” The word floated into my head like a whisper. My stomach flipped. As his eyes did a lazy trip south, I felt his gaze like a caress. His hair shone like polished mahogany in the candlelight—proof of his advanced age. Flowing black and red robes accentuated the smooth paleness of his skin. The robes hid his physique, but power radiated off him in waves.