The last thing I wanted was to discuss my fiber intake with a freaking demon. I grabbed my credit card and shoved it back into my wallet. Too bad I can’t just kill him. “I have to go out, and I’m taking this with me so you can’t buy anything else.”

He tapped his head with one talon-like finger. “Already memorized.”

“Shit.” As annoyed as I was, I needed to get some things done. If letting him fill my house with infomercial crap kept him out of my hair, it might be worth the debt. “Okay, just keep it to a minimum. And don’t leave the house. I don’t think L.A.’s ready for you.”

“Where are you going?”

“I’ve got to meet someone who might be able to help me figure out how to send you back home.”

“Cool. Can you get some more beer while you’re out?”

“I had a twelve pack in there last night!”

“What can I say? Shopping makes me thirsty.”

I turned on my heel and walked to the door before I popped a blood vessel. Like I didn’t have enough on my plate without a demon racking up debt on my credit card and drinking all my beer. Just before I closed the door, he yelled, “And get more cheese doodles!”

Freakin’ demons.

Sepulcher didn’t open until nine, so when I pulled up in front of the building, the lights were out. I knew Ewan would be back in his office, doing whatever it was he did to get ready for opening. I looked in the window and didn’t see any movement. After knocking for a couple of minutes, I decided to try around back.

The metal door in the alley stood ajar. I grabbed the edge and opened it, pulling out my gun just in case there was trouble. I crept down the hallway, my boots sticking to the floor. Ewan’s office door was closed, but a light spilled from under it into the dark hallway. I heard shuffling followed by a grunt. I grabbed the doorknob and threw the door open.

I’m not sure my eyes will ever recover from the sight that greeted them. Ewan’s bare ass was like a beacon in the dim light. He had one hand on his hip and the other on top of someone’s head. His own head was thrown back. The person kneeling before him wore a gray pinstripe suit and black wingtips. Realizing what I’d walked in on, I gasped. Ewan turned, his face morphing from ecstasy to shock.

“Get the f**k out of here!”

I backed up quickly and shut the door. My mouth hung open as I leaned against the wall. I wasn’t shocked to find out Ewan was g*y. Instead, I was surprised he had a sex life at all. Ewan seemed to get off on strategically gathering and spreading information. But I guess even gossips have needs.

Hushed voices came from inside the office. I considered leaving, but, despite my embarrassment, I needed Ewan’s help. Since I needed everyone to think I was breaking from the Dominae, Ewan was the perfect person to go to. All I had to do was convince him I was sick of the Dominae’s shit, and he’d take care of the rest by telling everyone he knew. Hopefully, once word got out, it would reach Clovis and he’d come find me.

A few moments later, the door opened. I’m not sure who I expected Ewan’s blower to be, but it sure as hell wasn’t who walked out that door.

“Councilman Vera.” I tried to keep the shock out of my voice, but it wasn’t easy. With his perfectly combed executive haircut—a bit disheveled at present—and his strict adherence to the letter of the Dominae’s laws, he’d always seemed to have such a stick up his ass. I guess I wasn’t too far off on that assessment, after all. I almost smiled, but stifled it. No sense making the man more embarrassed—his cheeks already burned.

“Sabina,” he said with an awkward nod. “I don’t think I have to tell you how damaging it would be if word of this—indiscretion—became public.”

“Say no more.” I mimed turning a key at my lips. “They’re sealed.”

The tension in his shoulders relaxed a bit. “Thanks.”

I nodded, not sure what else to say. The situation definitely called for some off-color jokes, but I restrained myself. He scurried away toward the back door. I watched him go, wondering how in the world Ewan had managed to seduce the most conservative member of the Undercouncil. With a shrug, I decided it wasn’t my business—unless I could use the knowledge as leverage against Ewan.

I took a deep breath and headed into Ewan’s office. His pants no longer sagged around his ankles. Instead, he leaned fully dressed against his desk, smoking a post-b.j. cigarette like some bad cliché.

He looked up and exhaled a puff of smoke. “I thought I told you to leave.”

I walked forward with a small smile pulling at the corners of my mouth. “Oh, you meant the building? I thought you wanted me to get out of the office so he could finish.”

“You’re a pain in the ass, you know that?”

“So I’ve been told.” I leaned on the desk next to him. “So … Nicolo Vera, huh?”

He took another drag and held it. “Yes, and …” He blew the smoke at my face.

“What?” I scrunched my nose up and waved away the smoke. “I’m just surprised is all. Not about the g*y part,” I said quickly. Ewan cocked an eyebrow. “Just he’s so, I don’t know, conservative.”

Ewan crossed his arms and pinned me with a stare. “I’m surprised, too.”

“You are?”

“Yeah, I’m surprised you have the balls to show up here after you lied to me the other night.”

I pursed my lips and considered how to play this. If I wasn’t careful he’d know I was using him. “I wasn’t ready to talk about it. I had some shit to work through.”

“What kind of shit?”

I crossed my arms. “Can I be honest with you?”

He stubbed out the cigarette in an ashtray and nodded. I had his full attention now that he thought I had secrets to share.

“I’m sure you’ve heard about my suspension.”

“Yeah. Thanks for killing that ass**le in my club, by the way. The Dominae’s task force showed up to snoop around later that night.”

I cringed. “Sorry.” He shrugged and waved a hand at me to continue. “Anyway, this suspension is total bullshit. The more I think about it, the more I wonder if maybe I should just walk away.”

“Walk away? What do you mean?”

“I think maybe it’s time for me to go out on my own. Get out from under the Dominae’s thumbs.”

“Like a mercenary?”