Page 52 of You're To Blame 2

“See you at lunch, Tate.” I didn’t meet his gaze before entering my class. How could I? I was aware it wasn’t Tate’s fault. Yet the image of my boyfriend kissing another girl made my heart ice cold.

“Fuck,” Tate roared, followed by a loud bang against the lockers. I almost jumped out of my skin.

Wide-eyed stares moved with me to my seat.

“I’ll let you off with a warning, Ms. Culver. Next time it's detention.”

“Understood, Ms. Hanson.” I plopped in my seat and retrieved my notebook and fluffy pen from my backpack.

“Is everything all right?” she whispered with a snarky bite.

Just the bitch I didn’t want to hear from right now. Dark Jill. I dug my nails deep into my palms hoping to break the skin.Chelsea you’re stronger now. Don’t let them break you.

“What’s the matter, Chelsea? Your boyfriend’s a bit of a whore.” She dragged out the last word in a snarky tone.

It was a statement not a question. How did I think for one minute they’d be civil upon returning to the states? My boyfriend and I had fought them.

I sat straight up asserting all the confidence I could muster. Tate made Mason look deplorable in their parents’ eyes.

Dinging and buzzing echoed throughout the room.

Ms. Hanson’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t you dare peek at one cell phone screen.”

“You don’t have to wave your hand so hard, Marisa. I see you. What’s your question?”

“Today will we discuss the statistics of teen pregnancy in America?”

Ms. Hanson smiled. “Someone has read her text book.”

“More like lived it,” I stated under my breath curtly.

Oh’s and Ah’s fell around the room. It was an inside joke for now. I’d out that bitch for sure soon.

Ms. Hanson turned, writing stats on the board.

Students couldn’t wait to gawk at their cell screens. They whispered and pointed at me.

A gentle hand clasped my shoulder as she slid her cell into my line of sight. “You, poor girl,” Marisa’s crony Catherine whined to my right.

There were several videos of Tate making out with girls on social media.

My head snapped to the right. “Fuck you and your fake sympathy. I might not be able to beat dark Jill’s ass.” I glanced at Marisa. “But I can definitely beat yours,” I snarled.

I gripped the wooden chair as I glared into Marisa’s eyes. “It may appear my man is cheating.” I tapped my chin. “But who’s man really was?”

Her porcelain face reddened and with a blink of an eye she had a death grip on my hair.

“I loathe you.” Her sinister eyes glassed over.

A deep dark chuckle released from my throat. I reached over and pinched her nipple. She screeched, releasing my hair at the same time.

“What is going on here?” Ms. Hanson stalked over, yanking me out of my chair by my arm. “To the principal’s office immediately.”

I snatched up my belongings. “Go to hell. All of you,” I shouted, storming out of the class.

Laughter erupted to my left. “This is the perfect first day of school at Haven Saints High.”

I ran at top speed, then pounded my fists into his broad chest.