She pressed on her right hand and winced. “I have the code.”
She rattled it off, and that was the right code, alright. I remembered because it was my ex’s birthday in numeral form—July 13. “Who gave it to you?” I asked.
“The Airbnb host, Amy.”
I had no clue who I’d rented from, but this woman sounded pretty believable. MaybeIwas in the wrong cabin? I could’ve sworn the number on the house said fifty. Could I possibly be on the wrong block? Come to think of it, I hadn’t used the code to get in. Though inside looked just like the pictures online…
“Is this Fifty Dogwood Lane?”
I shrugged. “Well, then this is the place I rented.”
“That’s impossible, becauseIrented it.” She shook her hand again. “Dammit. My knuckles really hurt.”
“Let me see them.”
“Are you a doctor?”
“Then why would I let you see my hand?”
“Because I used to box. I’ve broken my knuckles on faces more times than I can count.”
She hesitated. But at least she put down the toothless dog. The little shit started barking as soon as his feet hit the mattress. He jumped from the bed and ran around me, growling. He wasn’t much of a threat since he didn’t have teeth, so I didn’t move. Though as it turned out, you don’t need teeth to grab things.
Like a towel.
And yank.
And now I was standing buck-ass naked, with my junk on full display.
The woman covered her eyes. “Oh my God!”
Fuck. My. Life. This day kept getting worse and worse—especially since I’d just showered, and my dick was cold and trying to find warm shelter by shriveling up inside my balls as much as possible. Definitely not my best reveal—not that it was a reveal, but a man always wants a good first showing.
The woman spread her fingers and peeked through. “Oh my God. Don’t just stand there! Do something! You’re naked.”
I grabbed the comforter from the bed and wrapped it around my waist. “I just showered…”
“Well, I don’t want you to think…”
Her brows popped up. “Are you seriously worried that your manhood doesn’t look its best?”
Well…yeah.But this sounded like a trick question, so I didn’t answer. “Let me see your rental agreement.”
“Let me seeyourrental agreement!”
“Fine,” I grumbled. “It’s in my suitcase in the other room.”
“Maybe while you’re in there, you can find some clothes to put on!”
I looked her up and down. For what it was worth, she was damn cute. Blond hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun, big green eyes, and a few freckles across the bridge of her button nose. Though this wasn’t a bar, and the last thing I currently needed in my life was a woman, so I took my quilt-clad ass out into the living room.
Blondie with the green belt came out while I was rummaging through my suitcase. She now wore a robe cinched tightly around her waist. Shame.The outfit underneath is nicer.She picked up a laptop I hadn’t noticed earlier on the coffee table and started clicking buttons. Meanwhile, I pulled out shorts and a T-shirt and the folder with a bunch of papers my assistant had printed before I left.