Page 128 of Indiscretion

“Because I couldn’t decide on the appropriate color for good luck. I put on this shirt because one website said blue promotes positive energy. But then another one said green means optimism and a fresh start. The yellow socks are for happiness and positivity.”

“What about the red tie?”

“Oh, that’s not for luck. The last website I checked said it’s the color of eroticism.” He winked. “I’m hoping our celebration goes that direction.”

“But what are we celebrating? Wait. Did the judge rule in your favor on the Peterson appeal?”

Dawson reached over to a pile of mail and held up an envelope. We’d finally moved in together last year. “Nope. This envelope came from the Virginia Office of Professional Responsibility.”

My eyes grew wide. “The decision on the appeal to get my law license back is here already? I thought they said it would be eight weeks. It’s only been five.”

“Maybe I’m such a great lawyer they didn’t have to think about it much.”

“Or…maybe they didn’t have to spend much time thinking about it because there is no way in hell they’re letting me practice law again.”

“Uh, excuse me.” Dawson gestured to his outfit. “That does not sound like the positivity I’m putting out into the universe for you.”

I couldn’t believe the decision was here so soon. Part of me still couldn’t believe I’d even let Dawson file the appeal. But it was pretty hard to say no when he’d surprised me with a thirty-page document he’d already written, complete with compelling case law to support reinstatement, and a dozen letters he’d secretly had my former and current colleagues write to attest to my good character and fitness. He’d even had the doctors and nurses who cared for Lizzie at her assisted-living facility write glowing letters.

Dawson stepped forward and slipped the envelope into my hands. “Open it.”

“What if they say no?”

“Then you’ll continue to work for me, and I’ll keep pretending I’m as smart as you make me look when you do all the legwork and writeups for my cases.” He smiled. “On second thought, I shouldn’t have done such a great job on my oral argument when we went down to Virginia last month. I’m fucked when you get back in.”

I smiled, deciding the letter could wait another minute, and wrapped my arms around my boyfriend’s neck. “Whatever the outcome is, I want you to know I think you did a great job and appreciate everything you put into this. Three years ago, I never could’ve imagined I would be truly happy working as a paralegal instead of a lawyer. But you make me feel appreciated and heard and treat me like an equal.”

“Oh yeah? Then I’m doing a damn good job faking it. Because you are not my equal, sweetheart.” He lifted his hand high into the air. “You are up here.” He lowered his hand to waist high. “And I am down here.” Dawson pressed a kiss to my lips. “Now, no more stalling. Open the letter. I made us a reservation for dinner to celebrate.”

I wished I had half the confidence this man did. Nevertheless, I stepped back and turned the letter over. My hands shook as I slipped my finger into a corner and used my fingernail to slice open the envelope. There was only one piece of paper inside.

“Wouldn’t there be more documents, things for me to fill out if they were letting me have my license back?”

Dawson pointed to the paper. “Read it.”

I unfolded and scanned the page.

Decision of the Hearing Panel Subcommittee…

A Statement of Charges containing two counts was filed against Petitioner Naomi Heart, charging her with violations of the Virginia Bar’s rules of professional conduct. Petitioner surrendered her law license, conceding that all charges were indefensible. A formal disbarment trial was not conducted. This Board accepted the Petitioner’s resignation from practice, citing that the preliminary findings, which were deemed true by the Petitioner’s affidavit accompanying her surrender, were violations amounting to offenses punishable by disbarment. The Petitioner filed a Petition for Reinstatement, and a hearing was conducted by the Hearing Panel Subcommittee. A unanimous decision was reached, indicating reinstatement of the Petitioner to the practice of law.

My eyes flared. “Oh my God! They’re reinstating me! Dawson, you did it!”

He lifted me off my feet and swung me around. “Holy shit. Congratulations! I’m so fucking happy!”

“I can’t believe it. I really can’t believe it. This never would have happened if it weren’t for you.”

“That’s not true. You would’ve gotten there on your own. I just gave you the push you needed.”

“You give meeverythingI need. I love you so much.”

“Love you, too, counselor.” He pressed his lips to mine for a hard kiss. “Now go get dressed in something sexy for our dinner. Because I can’t wait to get home and celebrate inside of you.”

I licked my lips. “We could…skip dinner.”

“Not a chance. You’re going to need fuel for what I have in store later.”
