As the weight of Eduardo’s body lifts off of me, I still plunge the knife in the gaping hole in his neck. If this motherfucker came back, then his ass was going to be one of those zombies fromThe Walking Dead.

“Xander,” Zar calls, stopping my hand from stabbing air. “Xander, it’s over.”

Looking around the room, I see Alistair, Yiorgos, Mike, Trappa, Hendrix, and Frankie looking at me with questionable expressions.

“It’s over, Xander,” Zar says again, letting my wrist go.

“He, he killed my Father,” I sadly whisper.

“Oh, hell no,” Alistair hisses before kicking Eduardo’s lifeless body.

“Alistair,” Zar yells, stopping Alistair’s next kick. “He’s dead and we have to get the fuck out of here. Tell the men to go ahead and douse the place. Tech says we have ten minutes to get the hell out of here before the police swarm the place. Let’s go and Xander, I have a surprise for you.”

Zar and Alistair help me to my feet, then drag me down the hallway. My mind is so fucked up, I don’t even remember them getting me into Beast or Zar being behind the wheel, but I do remember as we drove away, behind us was like fireworks from the Fourth of July as the sunset skies lit up. Eduardo Santiago’s mansion went up in flames.

Zar’s surprise I would later learn was Greg sniveling like a little bitch with his arms tied behind him and a piece of tape covering his mouth. Yiorgos found him upstairs hiding in a closet, unarmed. Yiorgos started to put a bullet in his head but when Greg said he was Sabre’s brother, he kept him alive. In the dark recesses of my mind, I wanted to kill him, but I have other plans for Greg.



Two Months Later

“Xander baby, I don’tknow about this dress. You know what, I’m not going to go,” Sabre fusses from the master bedroom of our house. I’m in the bathroom brushing my hair into a neat bun, chuckling while I shake my head.

After taking out Eduardo and his men, we bypassed going to the condos and headed straight to Zar’s house. I don’t know if I was asleep or if my mind had completely shut down from finding out it was Eduardo who killed my Father, but by the time we arrived at Zar’s, I somewhat snapped back and wanted to see Sabre and the rest of my family.

As Zar parked Beast in front of his house, the ladies flooded out of the house, rushing to the vehicles.

“Xander, Xander,” Sabre cried, trying to open the front passenger door where I sat with Mother and Karisa standing behind her.

Zar unlocked the doors and Sabre flung mine open, hugging and kissing me as she climbed inside and sat on my lap. Luckily, before they put me in Beast, Alistair poured bottles of water over my head to rinse that bitch Santiago’s blood from my face.

Zar told Mother and Karisa he was taking me to my house. They jumped inside too, not wanting to leave my side either.

When we made it to my house, Sabre got out while Zar and Alistair helped me inside. I was so mentally and physically drained, there was no way my legs would’ve made it up the walkway.