“You’re perfect, Huntress, just like you are.” That made her sob worse. An edge of exasperation crept into his voice. “Emily, I’mtrying.”
“Onlyyouwould think I’m perfect, and you’re such a mess. You’re a murderer, and a demon, and my enemy! My own father never—” The sobs bordered on hysterical. “This was supposed to be a dream, a sexy, sweet dream where no one got hurt, and I’m crying and my nose is running...” She sniffed in and tried to pull away.
“Hey. You listen to me. Youareperfect. I said it, and I meant it. I think you’re perfect, and the ones that don’t... they’re too imperfect to see past their own shitty lives blocking the view of you, the best girl in all the world.”
Her voice was scornful, but there was a laugh under it. “And you’re what? Perfect enough?”
“No, justimperfectenough to know what you are and what I am, too. I know I’m a murdering demon, and I know that I’m in love with you. I know you deserve someone much better—and I know I can’t help being in love with you anyway.” Simeonsighed, heart heavy. But it lifted. If she was carrying on this way about losing him, if she had those thoughts about sleeping with him, if she was kissing him... “You want me the way I am, too?”
“With less evil, yeah.”
“Hm. Well...” He bit his lip.Maybe by next week, you’ll get what you want, pretty little predator. Maybe next week, I’ll be the man with a soul. Still be a vampire, but won’t be a proper ‘demon.’
But here I am, demon as I am, with you. Been with you for months and getting nothing from it.
Tell me what human did that, love?
Emily hadn’t pressed him to finish that sentence. Her sobs had stilled. Her breathing was slowing. “Emily?”
Of course. The one time things might actually happen between us, she falls asleep.His sigh turned happy.I get to be here for it. Hold her in my arms and just watch her sleep. You know that means she trusts you, right?
She mumbled unexpectedly, making him jump. “God of the Underworld... Hades. S’posed to be mean. Creepy. Dark and scary.”
“He can be when he wants to be.” Simeon remembered a hot jet of flame across his trousers.
“Makes dad jokes. Loves his family. ‘s not evil. Just functional.You’refunctional. Little evil. No soul.”
“Yep.”We’re on the same page, pet.
“But you have a heart. A big, loving heart.”
Simeon went rigid. “Am I hallucinating?”
She giggled sleepily on him. “No.”
Silence. Stroking her hair.
A soft whisper in the dark. “You know... If we find Seph, Hades is going to owe us a favor. I know what I want.”
“It’s a secret. But it’s going to make you happy.”I hope.
“It’s for me?” Her voice was stunned, groggy and stunned.
“For you.” Well, technically Simeon supposed he should say it was for him, but that wasn’t why he wanted it. He didn’t need his soul to be happy. He had something similar, a conscience, a heart, a new purpose, the ability to love—But try explaining that to a human, particularly the human beside him.
I need a soul, but not to satisfy myself. To satisfy the woman I love. Some people you’d sell your soul for—and for some, you’d fight to buy it back.
“Oh. Oh my gosh, Simeon.” Emily forced her eyes open a fraction and squinted up at him, kissing his cheek, the closest part she could reach as she groggily lifted her head. “That’s beautiful. You’re beautiful. Handsome.”
“And you’re crashing. Why don’t you sleep? I don’t think we’re going to settle any big existential questions tonight, and I don’t want to test out your stamina when you’re half-looney.”
Emily was silent. Simeon kept hold of her, inhaling her scent, letting himself dream. Then she twitched, mewled, and clung closer. “Right here, baby.”
“You’re different when we’re alone,” came her sleepy whisper.
“Maybe. So are you. Not afraid of what people will say about the great vampire slayer, the last of the Van Helsings.”