Sick fuck.
Sick fuck.
Sick fuck, and you damn well know it.
Building the cabin didn’t take long at all.
It was surprising seeing it stand there in our camp all steady and pretty after Papa had only worked on it for a few weeks.
To be fair, Fennec and I helped out a lot, but it was mostly Papa staying up late to continue working on the cabin.
It often didn’t let me sleep as he used Jason’s chainsaw a few times in the middle of the night, or the wood grinder Fennec and I had to go grab from Jason’s just a few days after we got the quad and chainsaw.
It was also a good thing Papa finished the cabin this early, as the snow had already arrived in the first days of this month.
Winter was coming, and up here in the mountains, white was all we saw.
The past few weeks had been…interesting.
As close as Fen and I were, he seemed to have taken a few steps back to let me enjoy the time with Papa, and the less he talked to us, the more I talked to Papa.
Most nights, I had turned away from Fennec, and although he still insisted that I’d sleep with the rope around my wrist, he hadn’t talked about me sleepwalking anymore.
There were dreams I kept having, the same ones occurring multiple times a week, yet I didn’t tell him about them.
They weren’t as vivid as the first ones I had when I arrived here, and it seemed as if Fennec’s distance was the reason for that.
I hated it.
As strange and scary as those dreams were, I wanted to have them again.
I wanted to feel him again.
See where they’d take me and how far we’d go in those dreams.
I was outside, shoveling the snow around the camp and creating a barrier for potential visitors.
I’ve seen many hares around camp since the snow fell, and instead of their usual gray fur, they were all white now.
Perfect to camouflage into the snow and keep hunters away.
They weren’t safe from us though, because with them smelling all the food we cooked, they moved closer to camp and made it fairly easy for us to either trap or shoot them.
More squirrels came around as well, and ever since I started picking nuts from trees in the past months, I laid them out in a trail leading to my new trap.
One I built just for fun, but it worked insanely well.
“Saw a black bear down by the river. Seems like they’re not into hibernating this year,” Fennec announced as he stepped closer to camp.
“Why didn’t you shoot it?” I asked, looking over at him.
We were all wearing multiple layers now to stay warm out here.
I loved the winter, and sleeping on the bear fur Papa pulled out of his tent was even more comfortable than sleeping on just the mattress.