“I’ve known Emma for a long time. And even when we were teenagers, I always knew she’d grow into an extraordinary human being. She’s clever, strong, passionate, opinionated, forgiving, and she cares deeply about the people she loves.”
Emma’s face is now red, and she’s swaying on her feet.
“Oh, and she doesn’t like when I give her compliments.” I wink, and everyone laughs. She breaks into a smile, her shoulders relaxing.
“But how can I not? In just over a month, she’s given my life meaning again. She made me realize it’s never too late to make amends or to go after what we want. After our dreams.”
Her gaze is now locked on me, and her beautiful blue eyes intensify, just like they did earlier before we were interrupted. Only this time, I know she was truly about to let me kiss her.
“To Emma,” I say, raising my drink, and everyone does the same
“Emma,” they all repeat.
“Happy birthday.” I wink at her before taking a sip of my Velvet Kisses cocktail—yes, the drinks are all named after her favorite books.
The corner of her lips tilt into a smile, and she leans into Alice, who’s drawing her in for a side hug.
“Now, for the presents!” I announce, and everyone claps.
“What?” Emma blurts, a hint of horror creeping onto her face.
“Don’t worry.” I chuckle.“I know how you feel about presents. ‘Opinionated,’ remember?”
At that, everyone laughs.
“So, I told your guests to only bring you fun and silly presents that cost under fifteen dollars.”
She relaxes, a smile spreading on her lips again.
“Who wants to go first?” I ask.
One by one, the guests present their gifts, and I’m impressed at how everyone went along with the idea. Emma unwraps bookish socks, a sleeping mask, a tote bag, a coffee mug, a coffee-scented candle, an old-book scented candle, and more items related to books and coffee.
“Here’s mine,” I say, sauntering up to her.
Her eyes are glittering with anticipation as she tears the wrapping paper.
“Oh my gosh.” She laughs. “I love it.”
It’s a Stardust Sensation stationary set, complete with a pencil, eraser, sharpener, and notepad. All bearing the band members’ faces.
“I tried to find one only with Bobby, but there weren’t any,” I joke.
She gives me a playful pinch.
“Oh, and there’s this,” I add, giving her a second gift.
“Auston!” she exclaims when she opens it. “Is this real?”
I nod, grinning as she studies the signed Stardust Sensation CD.
“You’re insane,” she giggles, drawing me in for a hug. “Thank you.”
“I knew you were still a huge fan.” I wink.
She rolls her eyes. “Says the guy who knows all their lyrics by heart.”
“Oh, but I never saidIwasn’t a fan.”