“Will do, Doctor. Thank you.”
“Oh,” he adds, heading toward the door, “and if you don’t want to catch what she has, I suggest you keep your distance until she feels better.”
“Right.” I scratch my head. “Thank you.”
He waves goodbye to us, then leaves the room.
“Do you want me to go to the pharmacy?” Robyn asks, taking a step forward.
“Yes, please, Robyn.”
She casts me a reassuring smile. “Absolutely.”
“Emma,” I say, turning to her next. “You need to eat something. What do you want?”
“I’m not hungry,” she mutters in an uncharacteristically feeble voice.
“You heard the doc. You have to eat. Maybe some fruit? Or a cereal bar?”
She grimaces, and I turn to Robyn.
She nods. “I’ll bring her options. What about you?”
I offer her a faint smile. “I’m fine. Thanks, Robyn.”
She nods again, hustling out of the room.
“Auston?” Emma calls when thedoor closes, and my heart shoots up in my chest.
I hurry to her side. “I’m right here, Emma.” I swallow hard, kneeling by the bed. I’m not going anywhere.
We keep re-shooting this scene more times than I can count, and I’m getting restless for a break. I want to go up to the room and check on Emma. Hopefully, the drugs are working, and she’s eaten something. I fought with her earlier, but all she had was a bite of banana.
Clarence is now looking at his notes, frowning while June is actively trying to make a point.
I stride up to them, my feet sinking into the sand with every step. “What are we doing?” I ask, not bothering to hide my frustration.
Clarence signals to me that he’ll be just a moment. Meanwhile, Madison calls for yet another makeup retouch. Jill and Karen bustle over to her, and while they’re at it, they touch up mine too.
“What’s the big hurry? Is it about Emma?” Madison asks. “I heard she was sick. Hey, careful with that brush,” she snaps at Jill, who is clearly trying hard not to roll her eyes.
I take a deep breath. “Yeah, she is.”
“Aww. Sorry to hear that,” Madison says with mock concern. “But if you don’t want to catch whatever she has, you can always bunk with me.”
“I’m good, thanks,” I say through gritted teeth. I’d rather catch Emma’s cold than sleep in Madison’s room any day. She’d just take the opportunity to snap pictures of us in bed or something.
“Hold on,” Clarence's voice booms behind me. “What’s this about Emma being sick?”
Crap. Madison’s lips break into a smile. So that’s why she expressed concern for Emma so vocally.
“That’s right. She’s not feeling well,” I tell Clarence. “But the doc came, and she has some meds. It’s under control.”
“Good.” He nods. “But Madison’s right. You shouldn’t sleep in that room. If you get sick, production will be impacted.”
I wave a hand in dismissal. “Don’t worry. You know me; I never get sick.”
“It doesn’t matter. I don’t want to end up with an epidemic on my hands. You’re a producer on this movie. It’s your money on the line too.”