“Stop it.” I raise my hands in exasperation. “You two are crazy. Haven’t you forgotten? I’m the sidekick, not the main character. That’s not how this works.”
“Correction,” Hayley says, a finger in the air. “Youwerethe side character, but not anymore. You, my friend, are the last book of this series.”
My eyes widen in horror. “No, I’m not!” I’m not interested in finding my match, or falling in love, or whatever. I like being the snarky sidekick. It’s my thing.”
They both fall silent, staring at me with a weird expression.
“Um, are you sure it’s a good idea, though?” Hayley asks, a touch of concern in her voice.
I fold my arms. “Why wouldn’t it be?”
“You guys have history.”
I wave a hand in dismissal. “Ancienthistory. We’re talking ten years here. If anything, this whole arrangement should prove to you that I’m not interested in him anymore. If I was still harboring a flame for Auston, would I agree to this? It’d be torture.”
Hayley frowns, then nods. “Fine. You know yourself better than we do. Just be careful. I wasn’t expecting to be a main character either, and look at me now.”
I scoff. “Don’t worry. It’s not going to happen. You know me—I’m all about plot twists.”
And it’s true. I’m not Hayley. People don’t relate to girls like me, so I’m never ever going to be the FMC. After all, I have a say in this story of mine, and this isn’t how it’s going to go.
More Than We Bargained For
Closing my eyes, I lean my head back against the couch. She actually said yes. Emma is going to fake date me. Yesterday, I was dying to spend more time with her, and now it’s served to me on a silver platter. By Madison, of all people.
A surge of hate fills my chest as I think about Madison. She used to be a decent person, but fame turned her into this power-hungry, manipulative celebrity. Well, this time she got played at her own game.
Standing up from the couch, I walk out of the trailer and go knock on her door.
Madison is in her bathrobe, all smiles. “Hey! What—”
“You’re the source close to the couple, right?” I say, walking inside. “It’s your signature move, after all.”
The look of mischief on her face confirms my suspicions.
“You’re unbelievable,” I grumble, raking my hands through my hair and pretending to be frustrated. “When will you stop interfering with my life? Huh? Leave Emma and me alone.”
She gives me a pointed look. “The pics were already out, Auston. I merely confirmed a rumor. Itisthe truth, right?” Her gray eyes narrow into slits. I knew this was her angle. Well, joke’s on her.
“Of course it is.”
She looks taken aback for a second, then swallows hard. “Fine. Then, there you have it. I didn’t lie.”
“No, but I specifically said she didn’t want to be in the public eye.”
“And yet, after months of successfully keeping your little secret, Eva’s picture is now all over the Internet.”
“Emma,” I correct, then shakemy head. “Of course it is. She’s consulting for the movie. We didn’t think people would go digging up our old yearbook pictures.”
She studies her nails like she doesn’t have a care in the world. “Well, if she really didn’t want to be thrust into the public eye, maybe she shouldn’t be dating a publicface. So, is she mad, or . . .?”
“Of course she’s mad!”