“Oh, he has it coming once he’s not a cripple anymore. But we eventually worked it out,” Cody says.
“Yeah, once she said yes, I went to talk with him. Though maybe I should have had it with him sooner,” Evan says.
“I had no idea you two were dating! Tell me everything,” Mom demands, as she passes the food around.
The next few minutes I tell her how it all happened. Though I make sure to keep it PG and use a few code words for the little ears in the room.
“It’s so romantic!” Mom says with a sigh.
“Also, if you are absolutely sure you want me working at the distillery, I’d like to take you up on it,” Evan says to Cody.
The table goes quiet, with everyone looking at Cody.
“Hell, yeah! You are the only one we trust in that role beside Calista. But we all know she doesn’t want that job,” Cody says.
I wrinkle my nose at him. I’d do it to help him out, but it really isn’t my thing.
“Cal, if you don’t have any other commitments, we would love to have you help out with decorating, designing the new add on, and working the retail store layout and inventory. Completely flexible hours and four brothers on call to move anything you need,” Cody says. Then he teasingly flutters his eyes at me.
“How can I say no to that? Something flexible sounds great especially around wedding planning and getting settled.” I look at Evan to see is reaction.
“It’s perfect,” he says, kissing me on the cheek.
“They do that a lot,” Skye says to my mom, making everyone at the table laugh.
“Well, now that Evan has gone after what he wants, it’s time for you to do that same Cody.” Dad gives him a pointed look.
They stare at each other for a moment before Cody nods. Then, as quickly as it came up, the subject is dropped.
“Any idea what that's about?” I whisper to Evan.
“Nope, but he’s hinted at a possible girl. No idea who,” Evan whispers back.
Interesting. I know Cody though. He won’t share a thing until he’s ready.
The rest of dinner is filled with distillery talk and some wedding discussion thrown in.
Once dinner is finished, Evan pulls me aside.
“Let’s sneak out. Cody said his cover for us,” Evan says trying to pull me to the back door.
“Where are we going?” I stop until he answers me.
“To the one place I ever saw you truly free growing up,” he says.
Instantly, I know what he’s talking about.
“Take Me to the Valley, Fiancé,” I say, and he smiles.
We decided to walk because the weather was so nice. It’s a short hike through the trees from my parent's backyard. But growing up I’d spend hours here reading on a blanket in the sun or dancing with my Walkman among the wildflowers.
And Evan is right. It’s the one place I truly felt free. He caught me out here a few times when I’d sneak off, but he never told anyone that this is where I’d sneak off to. Though I suspect my parents knew.
We stop as we near the edge of the trees and the Valley appears with the first batch of wildflowers of the season.
“I think this is where we should get married,” Evan says as we stop and stare at the field. He walks up behind me, wrapping his arms around me and setting his chin on my shoulder. I’m finding he is doing this frequently, and I really like it.
“This is where I fell for you. Watching you here, was something I couldn’t get enough of, and made my crush grow,” he says.