Chapter Thirty-Four
This is stupid, this entire idea is idiotic. I love Ryan as much as the rest of us, but at the same time our family is still intact. All nine of us are in this fortress, safe, loved, protected, and in one piece. Call me fucked up all you want, but our soldiers know what they’re signing up for when they sign up. That rule doesn’t change because we’ve known Ryan our whole lives. Kellum just betrayed Roe less than a year ago, but yes, please, let’s put it all on the line to save someone who may also be turning on us. This could all be a big elaborate ploy to get Kieran and Pigeon.
But I’ve been out voted and now everyone’s pissed I even suggested it. I throw on my forest green hoodie, slip my feet into my all black vans, and head out to meet everyone. Robert called about twenty minutes ago to tell us where to meet. We all pile into the SUV’s just as my phone pings. I know beforeI even open it that it’s Lee, Pigeon’s tech connect.
Lee: Be safe, Quill. You’ve been a worthy opponent all these years, it’d suck if you died.
I can’t help the smile that takes over my face. She and I have been on the opposite side of the same assignments for a few years, but working with her instead of against her now has been a nice change of pace. She’s brilliant and she just gets me.
Mac: It would suck, wouldn’t it? I’m pretty great.
Lee: Woah, how your big head is fitting in that SUV right now is beyond me.
Mac: You following me, Lee?
Lee: I’m making sure my coworker lives to clock in tomorrow. Don’t be late, Quill.
Mac: Seven on the dot, I’ll be there Lee.
The vehicle slows down and the awkward silence that’s been looming over all of us since Kieran, Declan, and Pigeon got home last night settles in. They were tight lipped about what happened at the warehouse. Only revealing that they let James go and that he was the one who saved Pigeon all those years ago. I guess I can stop hating him so much. His brother can still meet me in the warehouse, but we’ll let James be, for now.
We don’t have time to go into this shit at odds so I hit my comms on the side of my ear queuing up every single person on this mission, “Focus boys, in and out, nice and easy. Pigeon stays out of sight and out of harm’s way. Be flawless and we’ll be home before Clara can finish that Marsala she promised us.” Acknowledgment from everyone rings in my ear. Kieran normally makes the calls in these situations, but it falls on me now since he’s too close. Also, I’m the one who could build this entire warehouse inside and out, while blindfolded fromhow much I’ve studied it.
We exit the vehicles and immediately move into formations. Every square inch of this warehouse is covered with our men. Kieran and Pigeon take the back entrance, the twins the left side entrance, Roe and Dec the front, and Ian and I have the right side. At my signal we all move. Infiltrating from all sides at once. I kick in the door and move in, my eyes focused on everything at once. It feels like my muscles are moving of their own volition as my gun fires in rapid succession taking out three men within seconds. Screams and shouts permeate the air as well as the smell of gunpowder.
We move in closer to the center of the room where everyone has stopped and has their guns dropped to the side, eyes wide. I’m not doing that shit though. I’ve got my men, my brothers, and my new sister to get home safely. Coming into view I see what has everyone at a standstill. Two middle aged men, probably in their late fifties are standing in the middle of the room. The taller one, Robert, has Ryan held in front of him like a human shield with the barrel of his pistol pressed to his temple.
That doesn’t stop me though I continue to move forward with my gun drawn. That is until Kieran’s pained voice rings in my ear.
“Mac, stop.”
The torture in his voice is enough to pull my attention to him, where he’s standing beside me. Phoenix is standing behind him, gripping onto the back of his shirt. It’s then I notice the other man’s victim. A woman in her mid to late thirties, curly blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. She looks to be about five foot seven or so with a medium build. I’m confused who this is and why we’re stopping untilI take a second look at her. Fuck, that’s Pigeon’s adopted mom.
“Let them go, Robert.” Pigeon’s voice rings out strong, not even a hint of a tremor in it.
He scoffs at her, “I’ll let them go when you come back, Twenty-Seven. We have a score to settle. I know that you know what happened to Thirty-Three. After we settle up, I’ll make sure your grave is right beside hers.”
“Over my dead fucking body.” Kieran roars.
I can’t focus on that though, because all I can think about is that he said Thirty-Three. That’s Riley.‘I’ll make sure your grave is right beside hers.’Her grave? She has a grave. People who have graves aren’t still living. My Riley, she was waiting for me and I failed her, I wasn’t quick enough. What the fuck did I do?
I hear a pained whimper fill the space, it isn’t until a few seconds later that I realize I’m the one making it. This man that I don’t even know just told me that the reason I’ve fought my demons and came out on the other side is gone. My heart is dead and buried with her. I use every ounce of my being to pull it together, because my brother’s heart is still here, and about to put herself in danger to save his best friend and her mom.
“You let them go and I’ll come with you. No tricks, no funny business. Just let Ryan and my mom go.”
“No the fuck you won’t, Mo Stóirín! You’re not going with him.” Kieran’s voice almost breaks me. It cracks at the end like he’s barely holding it together. She moves in front of him and looks him in the eyes before bringing her hand up to cup his cheek.
“This is my fight, you’re supposed to let me fight it, remember?” I can see the tears flowing from her eyes from here.
What’s surprising is the tears flowing from my brother’s eyes as well. Kieran and I have been practically inseparable since he climbed into my crib with me the night I came home from the hospital. I’ve seen him cry like this less than a handful of times and never out in the open like this. He’s breaking in front of our eyes and every atom that makes up my existence screams to go comfort him. But I can’t help him through this. As much as I want to, I can’t. That’s her job now. So instead I’m forced to stand here and watch the greatest man I’ve ever known break.
“Stay, please stay.” Kieran practically begs her.
“I can’t, Mystery man. Not this time.” She presses up on her toes and kisses his lips quickly. “I love you Kieran Michael.” Before he can make a move to grab her she darts out of his reach. He won’t make any sudden movements out of fear that someone will shoot her.