Before the last word has completely left her lips, her tongue dashes out and licks my tip before sealing her mouth around the head and sucking. She slowly works more of me in her mouth until I’m at the back of her throat and shes swallowing me down. It’s not slow, elegant, or pretty; it’s quick, intense, and rough. It doesn’t take long before my head falls back to the tiled wall and I come with her name on my lips and a guttural moan ripped from deep in my chest. Fuck, I’m going to marry this goddess one day.
* **
It’s been a few days since our morning at the warehouse. We were supposed to have a meeting with her tech girl that evening but Nix rescheduled it. We’ve spent the past two days lounging around the house, countless movies watched, and orgasms had. That was until now. I woke up about an hour ago and came down stairs in search of food and my nephew. I found both, but my girl still hasn’t made it down here. It’s Sunday, and she has a meeting with James/Jax first thing in the morning, so maybe she’s soaking up sleep this morning, but something tells me that’s not it. I’m so lost in thought that I don’t even notice Clara has sat beside me on the patio couch, just a few feet separating us. She’s settled in here well, but some things take more than almost a year to get past, sitting too close to any man that isn’t Rowan is one of those things.
“Hey, Mama Bear.” I make sure my tone is light and I use the nickname we all call her to keep her at ease.
“Hey, Kie. Where’s Britt?” She still hasn’t told Clara the full story or her real name. I don’t know if she ever will. That’s up to her and I’m not going to push her one way or another.
“I think she’s in bed, I haven’t seen her this morning.”
“What’s today’s date?”
I swear I almost get whiplash at the abrupt change in conversation but I still answer her, “It’s the ninth, why?”
She nods like she just solved some equation in her head, “She’ll probably be in that bed all day.”
Panic turns my blood to ice, “Why? Is she sick? Shit, I’ve got to go check on her. Where’s that thermometer glock thing you guys use on Bear?”
“Kieran, breathe. She’s on her period. She starts either theeighth or ninth every month like clockwork. She has them really bad, so don’t freak out if she stays in bed with a heating pad all day. Just make sure she’s taking Motrin and drinking water.”
The panic doesn’t ease from the grip it has on me, “She needs medicine? She’s in pain?”
Clara takes her hand and slowly puts it on my forearm, “Hey, calm down. She gets them just like this every month so you’re going to have to get used to this. Heating pad, Motrin, water, and whatever she wants to watch on TV. Maybe a hot bath or shower later in the day if she’s up to it. If she gets too pale, come get me.”
“Pale? Why? What does that mean?”
“It means you come get me. Now go take care of our girl or I’ll take over and do it for you.”
“No, I’ve got it.” Getting up I lean down and kiss the top of her head.
After stopping by the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and a bottle of Motrin, I make my way to our room. Our room, that sounds good. Pushing open the door quietly I find her wrapped in about five blankets, laying curled up on her side. She has one of my hoodies on, and I only know that because I can see the hood popping out of the covers. “Oh, Mo Stóirín.” I say softly as I take off my shirt and climb into bed behind her. She groans in what I’m assuming is a mixture of pain and me disturbing her peace.
“Kie? I don’t feel so good.”
“I know, Brave Girl. Clara told me. I brought some medicine and a water for you. Can you take them for me?”
She tucks herself deeper into the bed, if that’s even possible, “No, it’s fine, it’ll go away soon. I just need to lay here a littlelonger.”
“Babe, we can lay here all day for all I care but you really need to take these.”
She peeks one eye open at me and eyes the bottle, “Is that a brand new bottle?” I check it and make sure before giving her a single nod.
“Fine, but it has to stay in here with us after it’s opened. You never know if someone will swap the pills.” I don’t take offense to her comment. She’s got trust issues outside of us, and I get that.
“Okay, deal. Here.” I hand her four pills and watch her take them. Then I kiss her forehead and go in search of my heating pad. It doesn’t take long to find, it’s always under the sink in my bathroom if I’m not using it. After getting her settled with it, I climb in bed with her one more time and let her settle into the crook of my arm. She falls back to sleep pretty quickly but it isn’t a restful sleep, she’s wincing in pain and moving around the whole time.
A couple of hours later, Phoenix shoots up seemingly out of nowhere and runs to the bathroom. I hear her before I’m even able to get up and get to her. I rush to her side just in time to see her skin turn as white as the walls and her body completely give out. My arms catch her right before her head bounces off the toilet seat. My heart snaps in two as I hold the love of my life’s completely limp body in my arms. Pulling out my phone with shaky hands, I call Roe and as soon as he answers yell for him and Clara to get up here. Clara busts through the bathroom door with Rowan hot on her heels at the same time Nix’s eyes flutter open.
“Kie, what’s wrong?” She reaches up and traces under my eyes, where I’m sure all the pain, panic, and agony is shining.I don’t answer her, I can’t. Turning my attention to Clara and Roe instead.
“What’s wrong with her?”
Clara leans over me so her face is right above Nix’s, “Hello, Darling. You did the thing.”
Nix’s eyes shoot wide, “Shut up.”
“No really. You probably should have warned him passing out on your first day is normal for you.”