“You say the word and I’ll take over, but you won’t need to, you’ve got this.”
With a renewed sense of confidence, my hand grips around the handle of the knife, as Roe steps back. Kieran drops his hands and before I can stop myself my heart rate spikes with panic, and I rush out the one word I know will keep him right here with me, “Stay.” His hands are back on my hips and his chest pressed to my back in an instant, “Swear, Mo Stóirín.”
Turning my attention back to Jerry who’s watching this all unfold like he’s watching the world’s most entertaining telenovela, I try this again. “Hello, Jerry.”
“Twenty-Seven, you dare to disobey me?” He clicks his tongue in a disapproving way. “You always were the one who had to be broken before you’d listen.”
My hands shake slightly but Kieran’s strong grip on my hips settles me, I’m protected and he’s staying. “I see you’ve missed the memo, Jerry. I’m not surprised, you were the most stupid out of all the men. I’m no longer Twenty-Seven. I’m not the broken child you hurt for years on end with your sick friends. See, I’m the one who brought you all to your knees. Robert and David spent nine years in prison because of me, and make no mistake, I will find them and send them straight to the seventh circle of hell by the end of this. Until I can get my hands on them I’ll just have to practice my skills on you.” I shrug and move towards him, the guys mimic mymovements. Kieran stays plastered to my back as the others take steps to stay the same distance behind me as I move. Jerry starts thrashing around on his butcher’s hook screaming and hurling every insult my way.
I turn to the twins who are practically vibrating with rage and waiting for the command from me. “Can you guys hold him still?”
Both boys nod and move to Jerry’s sides, holding him as still as possible. “What now, Boss lady?”
“Just hold him still while I work.” A calmness takes over me, from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. Letting out a deep breath I take the knife and start on my work. Carving across his chest deep enough for the tip of the knife to scrape against his breast bone as I work my concentration is solely on my task. Jerry passes out fairly quickly, but I don’t care, my hand keeps working the knife. Once I’m done I stand back and admire my handiwork, “Wake him up, please.”
Flynn smacks the side of his face while Sully sing-songs, “Wakey, wakey, Jerry-boy. We have a surprise for you.” Jerry’s eyes open and a snarl rips from his chest. Too bad for him, I don’t care.
“I just thought you’d like to see the present I made for you. And I wanted to tell you, when the others meet you in hell, just know I sent every last one of you there, motherfucker.”
His eyes widen and I notice the tremble taking over his body. As he looks at himself in the mirror that Mac just handed me.
“One last thing, my name isn’t Twenty-Seven you sick bastard, it’s Phoenix.”
My hand swipes out and slices his neck from ear to ear in the next second. Blood sprays everywhere, but I just stand there watching him bleed out until all his life is drained fromhis eyes. A smile tugs at my lips. I’m sure I look like a serial killer, but I guess that makes sense seeing as by the end of this I will be one. Pulling my foot up, with all my might I kick him straight in the chest where three letters are carved. ‘Nix.’
Chapter Thirty
I’m pretty sure I need to see a shrink, because the sight of my girl getting her revenge, and carving her name into another mans chest has my dick so fucking hard that I have to tuck it into my waist band as discreetly as possible. Fuck, that was sexy. Nix drops the knife and turns to me. Her eyes holding barely contained rage and devastation.
Oh shit, I know that tone. Taking her hand in mine I quickly lead her through the warehouse to the little office and into the attached bathroom. I know my brothers will handle Jerry and right now I need to handle my girl.
Flipping on the taps to hot, I grab a trash bag from under the sink. Sliding my hands under her shirt and sweatshirt I gently slip it off her body and lay it in the trash bag. Then I pull down her leggings before guiding her to sit on the closedtoilet seat. She’s silent and lost in her head as I remove her shoes, socks, and leggings. Leaving her in just her bra and panties. I make quick work of removing all of my clothes before guiding her to a standing position and take off the remainder of the barrier between us.
She shivers and looks at me, “I killed him, Kie.” Her eyes shine with barely contained tears.
“It’s okay, baby. Come on.”
Taking her hand I lead her into the shower. The hot water drenches us instantly, washing Jerry’s blood off and down the drain. After I make sure she’s clear of any blood I wrap her up in my arms. As soon as she’s pulled tight against me the floodgates open. What can only be described as an Earth shattering, pain filled scream leaves her body and her knees give out. I drop us to the floor of the shower and hold her until her sobs subside and her breathing begins to even out.
“I’m just so thankful for you guys. I’ve never had men on my side before, especially not ones like you and your brothers. I don’t feel bad for what I did, I feel no remorse, I saved countless little kids from enduring what I had to do today.”
“Why are you crying then, Mo Stóirín?” I thought the shock of what she had done had started to wear off but it seems like this is something else.
“Little me deserved so much better. I needed someone to rescue me, to tell me none of this was my fault and that it’ll all be okay. No one ever saved me. I had to save myself. I just slayed my own dragon and conquered part of my real life nightmare. I couldn’t have done that without you and your brothers encouraging me to take back my power, reminding me it was okay, and that I’m supported. All that pain, all the torture and abuse I lived through, that little girl finally got herrevenge today. A part of me healed a little bit as I sliced his neck. I know that sounds fucked but it’s true. You and your brothers helped me get that. Thank you, Kie.”
I gather her in my arms again and kiss the top of her head, “You don’t need to thank any of us.”
After giving her a few more minutes to work through her feelings she stands and guides me up too. She’s not standing for more than a handful of seconds before she kneels in front of me again. This is really shitty timing, I know that, she knows that, but my cock hasn’t gotten the memo. It springs to life with a mind of its own as soon as she looks up at me through her dark lashes, steel gray clashes with my pale green eyes. Taking her hair in my hand I hold her back about six inches from my tip.
“We don’t need to do this, Nix. I don’t want you to think this is something I expect from you. You’ve been through a lot today already, we can go home and have a movie day if you want.”
“Kieran, I love you. Shut up and let me suck your dick.”