My sweet, sweet boy climbed in bed with me hours ago. His Uncle Kie isn’t back from whatever he’s doing with his brothers yet. But that just means I don’t have to share these snuggles with the big oaf yet. I’ve tried to close my eyes, tried letting Rhett’s soft snores lull me into the sleep that my body is begging for, but it just doesn’t come. I know I’m safe here, Kieran wouldn’t have left me alone if I wasn’t, but I still don’t feel it.
Knowing my privacy was violated once again makes my stomach churn and my eyes water. I don’t want to worry my mom but I haven’t gotten this far by not sending up our signals. Pulling my phone out I shoot her a text. We talk in code a lot. It’s what makes us both feel safest.
Nix: How was the park today?(Are you able to talk?)
Mom: Empty, it made for a nice walk. How was themeeting? Did you close the deal?(I’m alone, are you okay? Are you safe?)
Nix: It was tough. I think I did but only time will tell.(I don’t know. I think I am, but I’m scared.)
My mom and I have sent varying versions of these texts since I got my first phone at fourteen. When you piss off as many powerful men as I did you can never be too careful. My phone rings in my hand just seconds later.
“Mom…” My voice cracks as the word leaves my lips.
“Oh, baby. What’s wrong?”
I know the lines are secured on my end because Kieran had Mac do it earlier, and I know hers are because she’s never played about my safety and Lee had hers secured forever ago. She checks it twice a week to make sure no one has gotten in so I know I’m safe to tell her the truth.
“They found me. David broke into my apartment and left me a note. I don’t know what to do.”
“Phoenix, listen to me. where are you right now? I’m coming to you.”
“I’m at Kieran’s, I’m in bed with Rhett. I’m safe right now but I don’t feel safe, mom. I feel like he’s behind the closet door or in the shower. He’s going to grab me. He said‘come out, come out, wherever you are.’I’m right in his grasp.”
“Phoenix, breathe with me. In…..Out…” She takes deep breaths with me until my heart rate begins to calm down. “Okay, let’s think about this with a clear mind. Do you really feel or believe that David or one of the others are in that house?”
I know before she finishes the question that I don’t. Kieran would never let that happen. “No, I don’t. I guess I just feel violated. He was in my space. I could have easily been there.”
“I know you’re going to hate this suggestion, but have you thought about getting a security detail? Just until we track them down and put them back behind bars for violating parole.”
“You’re going to be shocked but I actually already have a detail, plus Kieran.” Her laugh rings through the line making my heart feel a little lighter.
“I should have known. Nix, I know all about Kieran Byrne, just because I’m an Ohio cop doesn’t mean we haven’t heard about the Byrne men.”
“If you know about him, why aren’t you freaking out about it?”
“Because, my darling, out of all the things we’ve heard about the Byrne men, and we’ve heard a lot, they aren’t really on the up and up. We’ve never heard anything about them in the women and children world with the exception of how they’re on the hunt for one specific person and they’ve been looking for her for fourteen years. These aren’t men who hurt women and children, and I think you know that by the little boy you’re holding in your arms right now.”
“I do. I’m sure they have their faults, scratch that, I know they have their faults. Hurting women and children isn’t one of them.”
“No baby, it isn’t.” The line goes quiet for a long minute until I work up the nerve to ask what I want to.
“Will you stay on the phone with me until Kieran comes up? He’s talking to his brothers about all of this.”
“Sleep, sweet girl. You’re safe.”
I talk to my mom for a little while longer until I think I fall asleep. I must have because the next thing I know a warm strong body slides in bed behind me. As his arm wraps aroundme so does the feeling of safety that I’ve been missing. Before I let sleep take me I whisper the same word that one of us says every night.
Kieran’s face is buried in my hair when I hear his sleepy, gravely voice reply in the same way we always do.
* * *
The next few days have flown by in a tangle of research, orgasms, making plans, spending time with his family, and now this. I’m standing in Kieran’s closet; pulling on a black three quarter zip, my hair is pulled up in a high and sleek bun, matching black leggings covering my legs, and my black combat boots finishing off the look. I look like a bad ass, ready to take down the scum of the Earth. Which is truly ironic considering that I’m about to do exactly that.