“Yeah, M. We’ll bring her home. Until then, I think it’s time you take a trip with me to the warehouse in the morning.” He nods as he pulls back from me and wipes his eyes quickly. He takes a few deep breaths to get himself together.
“Okay. Well we better get out there. You know it’s spring break so all the assholes are here.”
I can’t help but laugh, because he’s right. The twins best friends are here, they always are when they’re on breaks from school. Rowan, Declan, and Mac hate it, but I don’t mind it. They all come from families like ours, but I don’t think any of them will follow in our footsteps. They’re the lucky ones. They’ll get out and do great things.
Taking Nix’s hand, Mac and I lead her to the back yard. It’s everyone’s favorite part of the house. Our yard is huge, fenced in, and ever since Rhett Brady walked into our lives it’s become every kid’s dream backyard. Everything from a play set, to a trampoline, to a zip line. There’s even a tree house in the back of the yard for him. We have an Olympic sized pool, and a pool house with four bedrooms. Our patio is decked out in furniture, grills, a sound system, and string lights. We even have a projector for nice days when we want to watch movies outside.
As we walk outside now it’s overrun with tall lanky teenagers getting their energy out by playing games with Little Bear.
“Who are all those kids?” Nix half whispers to Mac and I, making us both chuckle.
“The biggest pains in the ass who ever existed.” Macmumbles back to her.
“He’s just grumpy. Those are the twins best friends, they’ve been up each other’s asses since the first day of preschool.” I point over to the guy standing beside Flynn, he’s about the same height as him, but his skin is a perfect olive tone, his hair light brown, and his eyes whiskey colored.
“That’s X, or Xavier. His dad works under.. her Dad. They’re with the Italians.” I point to Elle, Sully’s future wife, even if they don’t know it yet. She’s a spitfire, about five-nine, dark brown hair, and deep green eyes. “That’s Elle, she’s the girl Sully’s been in love with since he was old enough to talk. Her dad is the head of the five families. So basically, Rowan for that organization. She’s also the only girl in their friend group which means she keeps them all in line.”
Her voice comes out in a hushed tone. It’s only meant for me, “That’s Riley’s sister?”
I nod in affirmation, then give her a few seconds to process looking at the girl who’s always had the same features as Riley.
Eventually, Nix points to the guy next to Sully, he’s also the same height as the twins, his dark blonde hair and deep blue eyes give him a‘boy next door’look, even though I know better than that. He’s the most mischievous of them all, “That’s Knox. His dad does work here for the Juggemaffian. He was born here, and I don’t think he’s ever stepped foot in Sweden. His dad tries to keep his mom, him, and his siblings as far away from the life as he can. The guy next to him is Dom, his dad is a one percenter. He heads up one of the biggest gangs in America.” Motioning over to the tallest of the boys. His hair cut short, his eyes as deep brown as his skin. His smile is full of mischief and his laugh fills the backyard.
I point to the last guy to round out their group, also thesame height as the other boys, his skin is darker than X’s, but lighter than Dom’s, his hair almost black, and his eyes dark brown. “And that’s Zach, his dad is the drug lord for the cartel. He’s the quietest of them all. He follows along with everything they do, but he never comes up with the ideas. They’re all sports kids, but not the same ones, and they all go to each other’s games. If more than one has a game or competition, they split up so everyone has someone there.”
“What sports do they play?”
“Well, Flynn plays hockey. Sullivan runs track. Xavier plays soccer. Elle is a gymnast. Knox plays baseball. Dom plays lacrosse, and Zach plays football. I call them the lucky ones. They’re not directly in the life. They have a chance to escape, go pro, settle down, have families, and all live on the same street.”
A soft smile pulls at Nix’s lips, “That sounds so nice. I’d love to live next door to my best friends and have our own little street.” The wheels in my head start turning. I can give her that.
“So, who’s your favorite?”
“Nix, you can’t just ask a guy a question like that.” I shoot back with mock offense before grinning and answering.
She laughs and serotonin fills my brain.
“Why him?”
I shrug nonchalantly, “He’s the funniest, but also the most respectful. He’ll get them in trouble but not real trouble. Like when they were eight and egged Elle’s house because her dad wouldn’t let her come play. He was behind that but he was also just sticking it to‘the man’.I can appreciate that.”
She smiles at me while shaking her head, “Of course youcan.”
We’re snapped out of our little conversation as Clara comes over and drags Nix away from me before I can respond to her.
“Girl time, Kie. Go away. Hang out with your brothers.” They don’t go far, just to the other side of the patio but it’s enough to make my chest ache a little. Honestly, three steps out of my reach is enough to make my chest ache. I watch her while also making my way over to Roe, Dec, and Mac.
“She won’t disappear out of thin air, Kieran. You can take your eyes off of her.” Declan’s smile slides off his face as soon as the rest of our murderous glances lock on him. He throws his hands up in surrender, “Okay, fine. Poor joke, I got it.”
“I can’t wait for some girl to come around and knock you straight on your ass.” Rowan grumbles, his eyes only for Clara. Normally they’d be bouncing between Clara and Rhett, but Rhett’s favorite Uncle is standing right here so obviously he has taken his spot right next to me.
“Daddy, what about Uncle Mac? He doesn’t have him a girlfriend?” Rhett so helpfully throws my little brother under the bus.
Deciding to take this one I squat down so I’m on his level, “You’re right he doesn’t, and one day he’ll find a girl to love like your Da loves your Ma or like I love your Auntie. But Uncle Mac had the breath knocked out of him by a girl when he was your age. He knows how Da and I feel, because he’s felt it too.” Rhett’s face is a mask of seriousness as he thinks on that then looks at Mac.
“Uncle Mac, I think I’ve had the breath knocked out of me too. Callie in my class is so pretty and she smells nice.” He grabs Mac’s hand, “Let’s go talk about it.”