Page 52 of Stay, Swear.

“Hey, Brave Girl. Are you on the way?” He’s trying to sound calm but I can hear the undertone of panic.

“Kie, what’s going on?”

“Nix, I promise I’ll tell you everything. Just please go with Flynn and Ryan. They’ll bring you straight to me and we’ll stay here, okay? Bring your laptop and notebooks.”

“Swear?” I just need to hear him say it. It’s become our little comfort thing since the first time we said it.

“Straight to me. Then you stay. Swear. Come to me, Nix.”

* * *

Walking into the house Kieran grew up in, I try to look at it from a little boy’s perspective. What was his favorite gameto play in the living room? Where was his favorite hide and seek spot? Where was his Ma when he came to her for a good snuggle? Where did the boys tell each other their secrets? The times I’ve been here in the past it never crossed my mind but today that’s all I can think about. Will Rhett have similar experiences? Siblings, cousins, or maybe both? Will their dads raise them as tight knit as they all are?

I’m jolted out of my thoughts as a little curly haired tornado makes a dive at my legs.


Scooping my favorite boy up I kiss all over his face, “Rhett!”

I catch my favorite green eyes watching us from a few steps back. The sweetest smile is playing on his delicious lips. He mouths a silent,‘I love you, Nix.’and my heart metaphorically melts into a puddle on the floor in front of me. I didn’t expect to like the way he says my real name as much as I do. It rolls off his tongue with so much love and passion. Like Phoenix is the sun, moon and stars in his world instead of a broken, abused girl who rose from the ashes.

Rhett wiggles to be put down and I instantly comply. He hasn’t taken three steps before I’m swept up in all six and a half feet of Kieran Byrne. He buries his face in my hair and takes a deep breath, inhaling my scent, before groaning onthe exhale.

“Mmm, I’ve missed you today, Phoenix.” He’s half whispering. No one else could have heard him if they were around but I did, and that’s the important part.

“I missed you too, Kie.” I reply, squeezing him a little tighter than needed just to show him how much.

He steps back too soon, in my opinion, and takes my hand and my bag before leading me to the office. Once inside, I note that it’s empty. This is Rowan’s space. I know that much. Aside from us, a couch, four chairs, a desk, and pictures of his siblings, son, and wife we’re alone.

“Where’s Rowan? Actually, where’s everyone? I don’t even know where Rhett went after I put him down.”

Kieran silently shuts the door behind us before answering, “They’re all out back, they decided to give us a minute of true privacy.”

“Privacy?” I cant help but laugh, “Kie we aren’t fucking in your brothers office.”

Kieran doesn’t laugh though, he moves to sit on the couch before pulling me into his lap and playing with the ends of my hair.

“Baby, I have to tell you something. We found a small piece of card stock on the island at your apartment this morning. Your name was on the front of it and on the back it said—” His voice cuts off which irritates me. It’s irrational but I’m too scared to care.

“It said what, Kieran?”

“Come out, come out, wherever you are.” My entire body locks up instantly and I’m thrown back into that place.


Age Nine

Huddled in a corner of the back closet, I can hear him yelling for me. “Twenty-Seven get out here now!” I’m pretty small for my age, at least I think so. Other nine year olds come through here and I’m smaller than all of them. A seven year old came in the other day,we’re about the same size. She’s been crying a lot. She’ll realize soon that crying does nothing but get you hurt more.

She seems nice, though, she says she has a Daddy who’s very important, so maybe she’ll be our ticket out of here. At night she’s been crying out for some boy. Matt, I think. She says he’s her best friend and he and his brothers will come find her. Their Daddy is very important too. I don’t think so and even if they do find her, they’ll leave me. I don’t have anyone looking for me. My Daddy is one of the men hurting us all. I’m going to get out of here one day, but it won’t be because some boy and his brothers came to save me. I’ll save myself because my Mama taught me that all I need is me.

I managed to get out of my crate long enough ago that I found this hiding spot. David is getting more and more mad as he keeps yelling for me. I used to have a name. Before I came here I had a name, but now I’m just Twenty-Seven. My name hasn’t been used in so long I don’t even remember it. I do know my Mama gave it to me. She made sure I knew it was a strong name for a strong girl who would do great things. Great things are coming, I can tell, I’ve just gotta get out of here first.

Before choosing this place I made sure there was a window in this room, I just have to wait David out. “Come on, Twenty-Seven. You know this is going to be so much worse if you stay hidden.” My whole body trembles at the sound of his voice coming closer. I’m under a pile of clothes, there’s no way he sees me. It’s the best spot in the whole house.

“Come out, come out, wherever you are.” As soon as the words are out of David’s mouth he rips the clothes from on top of me and smiles with his yellow teeth and bad breath. “Twenty-Seven, what are we going to do with you?” He grabs my hair at the root and drags me back to the room with all the cages, throwing me down so everyone can see. “I’m going to show you allwhat happens when you try to run.” Tears fall from my eyes as they lock on to Thirty-Three’s. As the pain overtakes my body, right before passing out it hits me. Not Matt, Mac. Her best friend coming to save her is Mac, and her name used to be…