I can practically see the smile tugging at her lips when she responds, “You’re never too old for this, come on.”
I let out a playful sigh while walking out the elevator as soon as the doors open, “Because I’m worthy, I’m strong, and smart. I’m Phoenix Walker, I rise from the ashes of the flames they tried to burn me alive with.”
I’m not paying attention to where I’m going and practically run straight into Kieran’s solid chest. He grabs my forearms gently to stop me at the last second, that stupidly sexy smirk firmly in place. Carrie is in my ear still telling me about how beautiful and perfect I am.
“Hey, Mom. I gotta go okay?”
“What’s the phrase, Nix?” Concern and mild panic lacing her voice.
“Grandpa will call at seven, got it.” I can hear her lungs emptying of the breath she was holding.
“Okay, call me later. Tell Kieran I say hi. I love you, Nix.”
“I love you too, Mom.” I hang up the phone, taking a moment to study Kieran’s confused face before pushing up on my toesand giving him a quick kiss.
He pulls back in slight confusion, “What Grandpa? Why do you look upset? And this isn’t where I asked you to wait for me.”
“Take me home, Kie. I’ll tell you everything when we’re there.”
* * *
The ride home is silent. I can tell he wants to ask more about the conversation he overheard, but he doesn’t. He just holds my hand, pulling it in his lap to rest on his thigh and gently rubs my finger with his thumb. Pulling into the parking garage of his penthouse, Kieran parks before checking his surroundings and opening my door for me. He leads me into the elevator, silently waits for it to arrive then leads me off.
“Kie-” Abruptly I shut my mouth as he holds up a hand to me then presses a finger to his lips. He pulls out a box from a spot under his coffee table, turns it on, and waits for the light to flash before he sighs.
“Okay, you can say whatever you want, no one’s tracking us.”
“Uh, is that something I should normally worry about, because I’ve gotta say, I talk about a lot of stuff on my phone, and in my apartment.”
“No. I’m just being careful now that we know he’s out there, and has your number. I’m calling a meeting here tonight that I want you to be a part of. My brothers will be here and so will Ryan. I know you’re going to be pissed, but I’m also assigning you a detail.”
Has he lost his mind? That’s not happening. “Kieran, I loveyou, but you’re not assigning me guards. I don’t need them. I’m fine.”
He runs his hands through his hair in frustration, “Please, I know you’re brave and strong. I get it, it’s why I call you Brave Girl, but please let me do this. You probably don’t need them, and I’m probably being dramatic, but I’d rather be over prepared. I’m going to put Ryan on you. You know him already, and he’s my best friend. I trust him fully, he’ll switch out with Collin and Ian. You’ll meet them tonight as well. I can’t work how I need to if I’m freaking out about you here. The only way to solve that is if I know you’re covered when I’m not around.”
Every part of me screams to argue back with him, to tell him to shove it and that I don’t need any help. Except my stupid heart kind of melts at what he says. He’s nervous and I want to settle his fears. So instead of continuing to fight with him, I move in front of him, leaning my head onto his chest. His hands instinctively wrap around me and his lips press into the top of my head, “Fine, but seriously, I’m not going to need much for this week seeing as Jackson and I got into it and he volun-told me to take the week off and we’ll meet next Monday to discuss my future at the firm.”
Kieran’s muscles stiffen as I talk, “I’m sorry, he what now?”
“It’s fine, his ego is just bruised, and now I have all this free time to do recon.”
He forces a smile that looks a complete contrast to the lazy smirk he usually gives me. He’s trying to drop it for me, or he just wants me to think that. I’m not sure which one it is, yet.
“You’re right, his ego’s probably just in the way.” He kisses my cheek then turns and heads into the office, whistling. Kieran Byrne is whistling and it’s unnerving.
“Kie— Kieran, why does that sound like you’re going to do something stupid?”
I follow him into the office just in time to catch that mischievous grin he loves to give.
“Me? I’m offended. I would never.” The fake indignation in his voice ringing loud, telling me all I need to know. He’s going to say something to Jackson.
I give him my most stern expression, “Kieran I’m serious, let me handle it.”
A look of annoyance immediately takes over his face, “Fine, I’ll let him be a pansy bitch and act completely unfair to you, whatever you say, Mo Stóirín.”
Trying not to laugh at his theatrics I press my lips to the underside of his jaw, “Thank you, Kie.”
He lets the tension out of his posture with a deep breath before turning back to his desk.