Page 46 of Stay, Swear.

I huff in annoyance as she laughs at my expense, the line goes quiet but before she can hang up I call out, “Brittany.”

“I’m here.”

“I love you. I’ll pick you up from work, okay? Do not leave without me. I have our project set up at the penthouse, okay? Stay, swear?”

“Stay. Swear. I love you, Kie.” She disconnects the call before I can answer and I toss it on the table.

Turning back to our guest of honor, I fall easily into my job. It weighs on me a lot of times. The kill, the means in which I obtain the information I need, all of it. However, with this specific string of people? My conscious is clear. My guilt is nowhere to be found. With traffickers, especially whenlooking at all things considered, I’ll do my job with ease and a pep in my step. Fuck these guys.

“Alex, Alex, Alex. I know you’ve heard of your guys going missing. I know the whispers about me are out there, surely you knew it was only a matter of time.”

“Fuck you, Irish scum.” He has the audacity to spit at me. I’m too far from him for it to land, but still, the insult is there.

“Uh, okay…” I look at him with disgust. “Anyways… I know you have a boss, they all do. I just need you to tell me who he is. That’s it Alex, my boy. Just one simple name. You give him up, I’ll make it quick. If you don’t, you’re going to learn just how tame the rumors and whispers about me really are. I promise you, you aren’t built to handle what I’m going to dish out.”

“I don’t know shit.” Alex fights his restraints and I let him wear himself down for a little while.

“Yeah, they never do at first, I’m so over the predictability. I had higher hopes for you, Hayes. Oh well, I gave you every chance.” Walking behind him I cut his shirt off with one quick swipe of my blade. It cuts his skin too, not that I’m worried about that, I didn’t research and practice how to skin someone alive for as long as I have to care about a few shallow cuts. “Okay, Hayes. Let’s see how long you last.” I take the blade in my hand and get to work, he better not take too long, I’ve got to go get my girl from work.


Chapter Twenty-Four


Jackson has stayed buried in his office all day. I’m over him ignoring me. I didn’t do anything wrong so I’m not going to be treated like I did. After working up the nerve, my feet carry me all the way to his office and my fist knocks on the door. The glass is frosted over for a semblance of privacy in the otherwise see through office. A gruff, “Come in.” is shouted from the other side of the door. Wasting no more time I push into his office, shut the door, and sit in one of the visitor seats on the opposite side of the desk from him.

“Okay Mr. Hall, come out with it. Whatever reason you’ve been avoiding me, spill it.”

His eyebrows raise at my no nonsense tone, “I’m sorry?”

I have to fight pretty hard not to roll my eyes, “Come on, you’ve avoided me all day. You answer my questions with no more than a grunt like a caveman. This can’t be because ofKieran.”

“It’s one hundred percent because of Kieran. I don’t know what he told you, but I can almost guarantee it isn’t the truth. Did you know he almost killed me? I was in a coma, Brittany. That’s not a man you want to be with. He’s unhinged on his best days. I mean do you even know what his family is? What he does for a job?”

Pushing up to my feet, I place my palms firmly on the top of his desk staring down at him with rage, “Yes, I do know who he is and what his occupation entails. I know all about his family seeing as my best friend is married to his oldest brother. Did you know your brother almost killed him? He almost bled out. I know about the fight, I know about his healing, what’s happened since and even what happened before. Looks like you both have more in common than you think.”

Pure malice is on full display as Jackson looks me in the eye and delivers the blow I never expected, “I think it’s best if you take paid time off this week. We’ll reconvene next Monday and decide your future at Philips and Grant.”

My jaw drops before I school my features, “If that’s what you feel is best. Have a great week,Jackson.”

I’m about to close my door when I hear him say, “You as well,Ms. Mitchell.”

I am not going to cry. I’m stronger than some insecure man making me take a week off because his ego is bruised. I make my way to my desk, pack up my things, double checking that I have everything, then with my head held high, I walk out of the office. My phone is to my ear before the elevator doors shut.

The phone clicks and I rush out, “Mom.”

“Hey, Nix. What’s wrong?” Her voice sounds strange, but Ijust brush it off as she’s distracted.

“My new boss just made me take a week off because the guy I’ve been seeing beat him up years ago.” Okay, that’s an extremely oversimplified version of what happened but she doesn’t need the details.

She chuckles, “Oh, Nix. Only you would find yourself in a predicament like that.”

“It’s not funny, they’re just men having a pissing contest.” I groan, shutting my eyes.

“Over you my sweet Phoenix. And why are they all up in arms about you?”

“I’m too old to do this.”