Chapter Twenty-One
The moment I get into my black Escalade, my body aches, physically aches, to go back to her. The five guards are not doing much to ease my anxiety. I mean our head of security turned on us less than a year ago. Killian, Ian, and Collin are on the door, and even if I’ve been skeptical about everyone since Nolan turned on us they’re the ones I trust the most. Honestly, I think I may steal Ian and Collin for Britt depending on what she tells me tonight. Leo and Alec are running surveillance, they’re included in the handful of men I’ve never had to doubt. I also know they’re routinely on Rhett and Clara too. Rowan will have to be fine sharing, because I’ve just made my mind up.
I don’t know who was on the other end of the phone this morning or what they even said, but that terror? The way her body froze up? That was enough to make me want to goon a spree with my favorite knife. I don’t give a fuck about my brothers being mad at me right now. I care about who petrified her like that. Who the fuck is looking for her? She said he found her. Was she in a situation like Clara? An abusive ex she had to escape or something? I have so many questions and not a single answer. However, she asked me to fix things with my brothers so that’s what I’m going to do.
She is right, I do need to have a conversation with Mac at the very least. He’s my best friend and I’ve ignored him for weeks. Practically threw him to the side for Britt. That’s not exactly true but that’s how he’s seeing it, I’m sure. Then there’s Rowan, he’ll demand a conversation, and because he’s my boss that’s exactly what he’ll get. Because he’ll demand it in an official capacity, Dec will be there too. Might as well just include the twins and have a ‘Byrne brothers come to Jesus’ moment.
They’re going to have to get over the‘her and I’thing. It’s been weeks, whatever their problem is they’ll get over it or this will be the new normal and our parents will continue to roll over in their graves. I’m itching to get back to her. Is this how Roe feels? This sucks. Like my heart is in a separate location from my body just walking around. How do I function like that?
Pulling up to the estate the guards open the gates for me and I roll right through them. I texted Rowan when I was leaving so no doubt they’re all waiting in the office for me. Parking my SUV and pocketing my keys, I make my way into the house. It’s eerily quiet, especially for mid-day. Walking through the living room I see all five of my brothers lounging around the room. Okay, so I guess this isn’t an office meeting. Looking around, Rhett is nowhere to be found. All of mybrothers are looking at me by this point so I just ask.
“Where’s Bear?”
“In his bedroom playing with the new lego set we got him last night.” Rowan answers with narrowed eyes, “Do we need to move this to the office, or is everyone going to be cool? I’m going to be honest, my wife is across town, so she isn’t here to stop us from going outside or to the gym if that’s what needs to happen.”
I toss my hands up. Truthfully, I’m hurting from yesterday so I have no intentions of throwing down today. “I’m cool.”
All of my brothers mumble their agreement as I walk to one of the empty chairs and sit back in it, tilting my head up to the sky and taking a deep breath before letting it out with my eyes closed. Our downstairs is a giant open plan. It’s basically one big room, the only doors that separate spaces down here are Rowan’s office, the bathrooms, and front and back doors.We can easily see if Little Bear appears at the top of the stairs, at least me, Mac, and Sully can. Flynn, Roe, and Dec are on the couch which faces away from the stairs and towards the giant T.V. on the wall.
Opening my eyes back up and getting comfortable I wait for someone else to start the conversation. It’s a punk move, I know it and so do they, but I don’t know where to start and honestly I’m not sorry for popping off. They’re the ones who inserted themselves in mine and Brittany’s business. No one did that to Rowan. We all loved Clara from the get go and just warned Rowan from a safety aspect. He was all in and wewanted that for him. Why do I not deserve the same support?
“Okay, well if no one else is jumping, I’ll start. I’m sorry, Kieran. I didn’t say anything that day in the office but maybe that makes me the biggest part of the problem. You needed just one of us to have your back. Hell, there’s six of us, and half of us sat idly while the others ripped into you. That’s bullshit, and I didn’t know how to bring it up when we’ve seen each other since then.”
Flynn’s looking at my shoes by the time he’s done. He looks so much younger than his eighteen years. He looks like the little boy who would sneak into the gym with me and beg me to teach him all I knew about defending himself instead of the most scouted hockey player in the country that he is. He’s always been the big emotions kid between us all, I expected him to go first. He thrives on structure and everything ebbing and flowing in their natural order. He needs his foundation solid because everything outside of the six of us changes so rapidly. He’s a grown man now, but at the same time he’s not and right now he needs my reassurance that I’m not here to make things worse.
“It’s fine, Flynn. I don’t blame you for staying quiet at that moment. That was a lot to walk into. At the same time, yeah, being the outcast sucks. Knowing everyone was so down for Rowan and Clara from the second he brought her up just to turn around and be met with push back and being iced out over Britt was a punch in the gut.” I’m cut off by Declan trying to defend his actions.
“Okay, in my defense I did warn Rowan about Clara.”
“And the second he pushed back, you backed off. I push back and everyone’s actively avoiding me at a cookout.”
Rowan puts his hand up and like the leader he is, everyone turns their attention to him. It’s just something about him, he commands a room with a single look.
“First and foremost, you’re right. All of you were so supportive with Clara and Bear, and I appreciatethat more than you could ever know. My only issue with you and Britt is how it’ll affect the rest of us.” I start to cut him off to remind him he didn’t give a single, solitary fuck about how bringing a girl and kid into our home would affect the rest of us but he continues.
“I have been informed that by trying to do the right thing, I’ve been the catalyst in this weird dynamic we now have going on. I overstepped, Kie. You’re an adult and so is she. This is clearly more than a random hookup. I’m sorry for the past few weeks.”
“That was hard, wasn’t it?” I fight the grin threatening to break through my stoic expression.
“Tasted disgusting, but it’s the truth and I have to set aside my pride and apologize sometimes. Especially when I hurt my brother enough that he doesn’t come home or talk to us for weeks on end.”
I shrug, feigning nonchalant, “It was obviously better if I didn’t. Thanks for the apology. I just wanted you to think better of me than to just hook up then discard my sister-in-laws best friend. Just so the air is completely cleared, it’s probably important that you know Britt thinks we aren’t talking because you guys think she isn’t good enough for me. That’s why she stormed out yesterday.”
Five voices mumble curses all at the same time, but it’s Sully who speaks, “Is she okay? You told her that’s not true right?”
Flynn might be the one with the big emotions, but Sully would rather jump into an ocean with cement shoes before knowing a girl is uncomfortable because of him. He’s not big on his own feelings, except when concern for the opposite sex arises. I think it’s because his best friend is a girl and he’s been in love with her since the moment he saw her. If they thinkBritt and I were trouble because her best friend is married to my brother I’d hate to see how they’ll all react when Elle and Sully finally get together. The entire East Coast might explode.
“Yeah, I told her, but when you guys act like we both have a contagious disease she’s not going to believe me but so much.”
“You moving back in? Gonna take my calls and answer my texts again?” Leave it to Mac to jump right down to it.
“Yeah, I’ll start staying here again but I’m not sure how often. That depends on Britt, her apartment and the penthouse is closer to her job. And yeah, I’ll start taking your calls and texts again. I’m sorry too, to all of you. You guys hit me where it hurt and I lashed out then retreated.”
Mac isn’t done though, “So we’re laying it all out on the line?”
My brow furrows, “Yes… So if you have more to say, say it.”