Page 39 of Stay, Swear.

“I’m not letting you go either, Kie.” Pressing one more kiss to her temple I bring the conversation back around to James, I don’t want to, but she needs to know.

“So remember when I told you I’d been underground fighting for years?” She nods her head in affirmation.

“Well that wasn’t a lie. I have been fighting for years but I had to take a few off, and only got back into it about eight or so months ago. The fight, the one the night of the tape? I may have glossed over the seriousness of that. I was fighting your boss that night. We’ve only ever known him by James. I don’t know if that’s his alias underground or what. Regardless, I blacked out and they had to pull me off of him. He was cocky going in the only way to get to the top is to beat the best, and in the most humble way, I am the best.” Her eyes watch me intently, listening to every word I say.

“So him being a loudmouth paired with the video, it didn’t bode well for him. He was taken to the hospital after our fight. Ryan and I were trying to leave, we weren’t there to gloat, we collected the purse then headed for the door. We were almost there when James’ brother, Tucker. Hell maybe it’s Tanner? I can’t remember. Anyway, he came at me. I told Ryan to grab the car and I waited for Tobias to make his way over. We exchanged words, I don’t even remember what we said anymore, but next thing I knew he had a knife and was jabbing it in my side, he stabbed me a total of four times.”

“I woke up in the hospital surrounded by five pissed off brothers who had no idea I was fighting that night before Ryan called them. I almost died, it was touch and go for awhile, and Mac wouldn’t leave my side. To the point where he’d sit outside of the OR doors when I’d go back for surgeries. I quit after that. For two years I channeled every ounce of energy I had into work, and working out. It was working fine, until my connection at The Pit hit me up asking me to come back. But you know, I realized something while fighting tonight. It didn’t help me work through my issue like it has in the past. I think I’m done. Seriously this time. My head is always clear when we’re together. I don’t think I need to fight anymore.”

Feeling filleted wide open for this girl I wait on a bated breath for her response. Tears run down her eyes. She gently brushes my hair off my brow looking straight into my soul.

“I’m so sorry that happened to you, but I’m so glad you’re okay, and that you’ve decided you don’t need to fight anymore. Honestly, I’m not sure my nerves could handle it after hearing all of that.”

“I’m done, I swear.”

“Speaking of being done. Can you and your brothers be done fighting too? Kieran they love you so much and you love them. You shouldn’t waste precious time fighting like this. You’re missing out on time with Rhett, and trust me, I know from experience you can’t get that time back.”

She was separated from Clara and Rhett for nine plus months while they were in hiding from Clara’s ex. Only communicating via phone and face time. That’s the same boat I’m in now, it sucks.

“Okay, fine. I’ll talk to them. But I’m not letting them walk all over our relationship. They can be respectful, or I’m walking away.”

“Deal.” She gently presses her lips to mine, it isn’t seductive,full of wanting, or lust. It’s comfort and reassurance that I’m here and not going anywhere. That I’m safe and for the most part unharmed. She pulls away and settles so her ear is resting just over my heart. She listens to my heartbeat as I play with her hair while trying to figure out what the fuck she just did to unlock this floodgate I’ve hid away for three years. Hell for my entire life. It’s like something altered my entire genetic makeup tonight. She’s it. I finally understand why my oldest brother worships the ground my sister-in-law walks on. Why he’s made us swear we’ll always choose her life over his. There is no me without her, I’ve been a shell of a man all this time, and she’s just breathed life into me.


Chapter Twenty


Kieran opened up completely to me last night. He laid it all out there without being backed into a corner. He almost died at the hands of my boss’s brother. What the hell? I don’t blame him for his actions last night. He was livid I was near Jax and knowing what I know now, rightfully so. It makes sense now as where last night I didn’t understand. I’ve got to tell him soon. He’s told me everything and I’m still holding him at an arm’s length.

Kieran and I snuggled on the couch for a long while before he took me to bed and slowly worshiped every inch of my body. When I woke up this morning he had my back tucked tight into his front. His entire body wrapped around me. Not a single breath of space separating us. I’ve been awake and laying here just soaking in his warmth for about twenty or so minutes when my phone rings throughout theroom. Grabbing it up quickly and answering before checking my voice comes out a half whisper trying not to wake him up.


“It’s been awhile.” I feel like ice water has been dumped on top of me. My entire body locks up. No, how’d he get my number? I can feel myself trembling as Robert continues. “I see you’ve found yourself in the bed of one of the wealthiest men in Jersey. You always were the best whore we ever had.” Suddenly my phone is ripped out of my hand as Kieran brings it to his ear.

“Who is this?” He demands in a voice I’ve never heard him use before, like he may reach through the phone and rip my sperm donor’s head from his body. Kieran pulls the phone from his ear and kills the call before dropping the phone on the bed and turning his attention to me. “Mo Stóirín? Hey, are you okay? Who was that?”

I can feel tears rapidly falling down my cheeks but I don’t even attempt to wipe them away. Kieran looks like he’s genuinely in pain as he watches helplessly unsure of what to do. After a few moments he pulls me into his arms and practically begs me to tell him how to help. He can’t help me though, no one can. But there is someone who knows how this feels, kind of. Picking my phone up off the bed, I click the contact I’m looking for and bring the phone to ear.

“Hey, what are you doing to—”

Before Clara can finish her sentence I’m rushing out, “He found me. Clara, he just called me.”

She curses under her breath, “Are you sure? Britt, he’s locked up. You’re safe.”

“He’s out. He got out weeks ago.”

“I’m sending someone to come pick you up. You’ll be safehere. We just have to lock down until we find him.”

I’m already shaking my head, “No.No I can’t do that. I just needed to call you. I know you know how I’m feeling.”

“Okay, we’ll do this your way for now but I’m coming over and you’re calling out tomorrow. I’ll be there in fifteen. I love you.”

“Love you, too.”

We hang up and I look up to find Kieran just staring at me. No doubt he’s pieced the conversation together enough to know this has to do with Robert getting out of jail. If I thought he looked like he was barely holding on before, that’s child’s play compared to what I see in his demeanor and face now.