“Yeah, I drove. I’ll see you later, Kieran.” She moves to pass me to leave when I grab her wrist and pull her back into me, crashing my lips to hers. She kisses me back for a moment but all too soon she pulls back from me.
“I’m right behind you. Wait for me and I’ll walk you to your car. Please.”
She gives me a small nod. “Yeah, okay.”
* * *
It took me no time to change into my riding gear. I forgot my fucking loops at Ryan’s place, but the ride to Britt’s isn’t impossibly long so I’ll live. After making sure she was safe in her car and pulling out, before even getting on my bike, I decide to take the back way to her house. My head needs to be clear, because for once fighting didn’t help me work through my thoughts. I’m just as jumbled as I was when I started.
By the time I pull into her parking garage my body’s loosened up, and the only thing clear to me right now is that I need to start talking. I can’t lose her. That much is apparent. I need to know how she knows James and I’m going to have to come clean about how I do. This isn’t going to be a fun conversation but it’s vital to our relationship continuing, and I’d do anything to make sure our relationship continues. No more leaving. I’m all in.
Those few hours where we weren’t talking was enough to make me realize, I might nothaveto have her, but Iwantto, more than my next breath.
Knocking on her apartment door, I make myself comfortable leaning against the frame. I can hear her arguing with someone on the phone. What’s that about? As she comes closer I can make out what she’s saying. Right before she opens the door I hear, “I’m safe, he’s not going to hurt me. Thank you for checking in on me I’ll see you at work.”
She must kill the call because when she swings it open thephone is not in her hands. She’s in the same outfit she had on at the fight. Her beautiful hair thrown up in a messy bun and her eyes red rimmed. She’s been crying and I know I did that. What a fucking jackass. I can’t stop myself when I step into her space and lightly cup her face in my hands, right before I press my lips to hers.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” I’m repeating over and over like a mantra as I pepper kisses all over her cheeks, forehead, lips, chin, and neck. Kicking the door shut behind me, I lead her over to the couch, sitting on it and pulling her into my lap.
“So we have some things we need to talk about, huh?”
She gives me a sad, barely there smile. “Yeah, I guess we do.”
“Why don’t you go first. I promise I’ll lay it all out, but I need to know how you know James Hill.”
She looks genuinely confused. “I don’t know anyone named James Hill, Kieran. You guys brought him up multiple times tonight, but I have no idea who that is.”
What the Hell? I know I didn’t make that up. No there’s no way. Ryan went and got her. He would have known if it wasn’t him. Deciding to approach this differently I change up my question.
“Who were you talking to at the fight when Ryan came to get you? You were talking to someone, who is he?”
“Jax? He’s my boss, I told you about him, but his name isn’t James Hill, it’s Jackson Hall.”
You’ve got to be shitting me.
“Mo Stóirín, I have to tell you something about your boss, and I’ll understand if you don’t believe me. But I have video evidence as well as witnesses if that’s what you need.”
Her eyes widen, “You’re scaring me, Kie.”
My hands move up and down her upper arms asgoosebumps cover them and she starts slightly trembling. “It’s okay. First, has he ever threatened you? Touched or cornered you?”
Her head’s shaking before my sentence is even done. “No, he’s nice, easy to work for. Particular but easy. He likes to make small talk, and hates that I refuse to call him anything but Mr. Hall to his face, not because he’s flirting. Just because he likes informality. Is he in your line of work? Am I in danger?”
Using my hand I gently slide it up to cup the side of her neck, my thumb rubbing gently on her cheek. “No, I don’t think he’s in my line of work. At the same time we have really bad blood. I don’t like that he has such unlimited access to you now that he knows you’re mine.”
“And am I? Yours, I mean. You made your wishes quite clear when you took off earlier.” I swear a donkey kick straight to the solar plexus would have hurt less. I deserved that but still it hurts like a bitch to hear.
“I’m so sorry about that. I have a temper and sometimes I say stupid shit. I didn’t mean it, and I realized that as soon as I pulled out of the parking garage.” My eyes avoid hers. I really am ashamed of my words and actions earlier. It isn’t fair to her. She did nothing to catch my wrath.
This time it’s her hands to cup my neck and bring my eyes to hers, “We both said mean things. I look for any reason to run and you don’t like feeling brushed under the rug. I’m sorry too.”
Giving her an understanding smile I decide this is the last stupid fight we get into. “So we’re both sorry. We’ll understand each other better in the future and work through it. Because if I know nothing else in this world, Brittany Mitchell, I know that it’ll be a cold day in hell before I let yougo.” I press my lips to hers in a silent declaration.
She pulls back at me and gives me a smile that I’m almost certain reboots my cold, dead heart.