Ryan throws his hands out yelling something else as he turns and walks away from Kieran and directly towards me. My eyes flint around the room looking for my escape when my feet start moving. It’s not until a few steps in that I realize Jax is leading me.
“Is that why you’ve been crying? Britt, do you need help? I can get you far away from him, but we have to go now.”
My feet stop on a dime as I look at him confused, “Yes. No. I mean—” Shaking my head I try again. “Yes, Kie is why I’vebeen crying. No, I don’t need help.”
Jackson’s scanning my face for any sign of my lying when Ryan’s voice rings behind me.
“You heard her Hill, she doesn’t need help. If I were you I’d take your hands off Kie’s girl before he comes out of that ring. You remember what happened last time, right?” Ryan gently pulls me behind him, keeping one hand on my hip.
“Last time was a fluke, and we got the last laugh now didn’t we? If I was you I’d get back to your boy, he must be losing his touch.” He tilts his head towards Kieran who is currently too worried about what we’re doing to dodge half of the hits, nevertheless throw any. Jax smiles at me with his usual warmth and kindness.
“See you in a few days, Mitchell. Use my number if you need me before then.” Before waiting for my response he turns on his heels and disappears into the crowd. Ryan turns his menacing expression onto me.
“Want to explain to me how the fuck you know him? And why you’re here with him?”
“Nope.” I make sure to pop the P before pushing my way to the ring with Ryan on my heels. I’m pretty sure I hear him mumble “trouble” but I ignore him. This is all Kieran’s fault anyways. Ryan gently steers me to the corner where he was standing earlier.
Folding my arms and giving all the attitude I can muster I stand there and watch as Kieran finally decides to fight back. I can’t believe how graceful he looks bobbing and weaving. Even his punches look elegant while also powerful. I swear I blink and Kieran’s on the ground with his opponent underneath him. They flip a couple of times before Kieran has him in what looks like a headlock.
It isn’t five seconds later when the guy taps and Kieran’s hoisted off of him by the guy who’s acting as the ref. Kieran’s hand is raised in victory, and he turns his whole body my way. Lust, fire, happiness, and a little doubt shines in his eyes. My plan was to play hard to get for no other reason than my feelings are still hurt from earlier. I’ve spent all day crying because it was extremely apparent that I hurt his feelings, and no matter how hard I act hurting his feelings makes me really sad.
Kie on the other hand looks like a sex god walking around with his perfectly tan skin, even at the end of the winter. His eyes twinkle with something that makes my gut churn and his grin that typically has me melting at his feet has me second guessing myself. I mean he broke it off with me. What if he came here and had some pre-fight fun with some random girl. Maybe that smile isn’t really for me. No, I can’t handle that.
Turning on my heel to take off the way I came. Kieran’s hand, gentle but firm, wraps around my arm. He pulls me back around so I crash right into his sweaty, hard, pumped full of adrenaline bare chest. My breath is knocked straight from my lungs on impact and my eyes lock onto his. He looks like he’s teetering right on the edge of outrage and being extremely turned on.
“Not so fast,little darling. We have things to talk about.” He brings his hand down my arm, twining our fingers together. His lips find my ear as he whispers, “I am sorry, Brittany. I have a lot of questions and we need to talk about it all, but I need you to know right now that I should have stayed and I’m so sorry.”
“Stay? Swear?” My eyes mist over on their own accord.
“Yeah, baby. I’m staying. I swear.” He presses his lips tomine while picking me up by the backs of my thighs. When he pulls away he’s smiling. “I know we need to talk, but I’ve got a lot of adrenaline pumping in my veins…” He lets his sentence trail off and I laugh shaking my head at him.
“Take a ride on your bike then, Byrne. Because I’m closed for business until we talk this out.”
He pouts for a second before conceding and heading into the dressing rooms, “Okay, that’s fair.”
Chapter Nineteen
The feeling of majorly fucking up has haunted me since I left Britt earlier. After jumping on my bike pissed as hell, I went straight to Ryan’s house, let myself into his basement, and let out my frustration that way before having to go to my fight. I didn’t stay with her after I’ve been telling her I would for over a month. With that being said, seeing her standing so close to James fucking Hill at The Pit. Talking to him while looking relaxed almost had me throwing the fight just to get out of the ring and over to her faster. The only reason I didn’t is because Ryan went and got her instead. As I’m carrying her back into the locker room with those thoughts running through my head, I know I need to calm down before this conversation. Thank God I took my bike tonight. Sitting her on one of the benches lining the lockers we’re the only ones in here. That is until Ryan bursts into theroom behind us.
“What the fuck was that all about? From both of you? I need answers.”
As expected Britt doesn’t take that well.“You need nothing. You’re cool and all but at this moment you’re just my ex flings best friend.”
Damn that stung, ex fling, we’re rectifying that as soon as humanly possible.
“What was what about, specifically?” I love getting under his skin more than anything.
“Lets see, shall we? How about we start with you letting some wack ass wanna be, knock you around? Then that’ll lead us right back over to this one who apparently knows James well enough to have his fucking number!”
My head whips around to Britt, “Wait, what?”
Brittany is glaring at Ryan with so much fury I’m surprised he hasn’t caught fire yet. “That’s a conversation for Kie and I after we work our current issues out. Once again, I don’t owe you shit.”
Forcing myself to take a deep calming breath I ease the tension and frustration that bubbles to the surface. “Okay, you two cut it the fuck out.” four eyes filled with anger whip to me. “Please. Let me get changed. Then I’ll meet you at your apartment.” My eyes stay locked on Britt’s. “You drove right? If not, you can ride with me.”