Irritation works its way up my spine. “Want to explain to me one more time why that is?”
She lets out an annoyed huff, “We’ve been over this at least fifteen times today. I don’t want to tell Clara and your brothers yet.”
“Because you’re embarrassed. Yeah, I got it.”
“Kieran, be serious for a minute. We both know that’s not true. Is that how you really feel?”
She cannot be serious right now. Is that how it feels? Howelse is it supposed to feel? I want to scream she’s mine from the rooftops, but she doesn’t even want to tell her best friend? I can’t tell her that though because I’m Kieran. I’m not allowed to have feelings like that. Nothing gets to me. I’m allowed to have two settings. The first is the obvious; stone cold mercenary and robotic security detail for the Boss and his successor. The second is the happy-go-lucky silly uncle and brother. Honestly I’m not even sure who I am anymore if not one of those two faces. So I do what I do best, paste on her favorite smirk, and brush off the pang in my chest.
“I know. I know. We’ll take this at your pace, that’s fine.” A weird look crosses her face but she just presses a quick kiss to my lips before turning to walk away. She looks breathtaking in her light blue dress. It’s flowy and hits right above her knees, and her reddish blonde hair is pulled up in a simple ponytail. She looks like every man’s girl-next-door fantasy. How we’re about to get through this cookout without sneaking off so I can get my hands on her is beyond me.
* * *
After dropping Britt off at her car and giving her a quick kiss I head to the penthouse to shower and change into casual clothes. It’s not necessary, they’ve seen me in way worse, but it buys me time so Brittany and I don’t show up right after each other. I make quick work in the shower, and towel off before heading into my closet to get dressed. I’m not working today so I grab a pair of well loved and broken in jeans and a long sleeve olive green Henley. The green is going to make my eyes shine, and I know it’s going to have my girl drooling.
It’s the end of winter here, but oddly enough it’s not ballfreezing cold, we’ve actually had really good weather recently for early March. Because of this, I throw on my Alpinestar riding boots, and leather jacket. Making sure to grab my all black helmet as well as my book bag with black and gray sneakers inside, I head out to my baby. After making my way to the underground garage and finding my bike in the spot closest to the elevators, I throw my leg over the bike and take a minute to get comfortable on it again.
I haven’t been able to ride much at all since the fall. Winter is bitter and unforgiving here. Rolling my shoulders to loosen up I can’t help but smile. Taking my loops out of my helmet I place them in my ears to cancel out the wind noise while I ride. Next, I slide my helmet on and secure the chin strap. Finally, I turn her on. She purrs to life and adrenaline spikes through my veins. I’m definitely taking the long way there. Riding really is muscle memory for me at this point.
I rode dirt bikes growing up nonstop. The transition to a motorcycle when I was seventeen wasn’t as jarring as people who have never rode before. My Ma hated this, she always told me my busy mind would either change the world or be my demise. Which one it’ll be is still yet to be seen. Maneuvering my way out of the parking garage and off the busy streets of the city all my anxious energy melts away. I carry that energy constantly. The only time I’m able to shake it is when I ride, when I fight, and surprisingly when I’m with Britt. Sucking up every second of a mind not riddled with anxiety, I take the back roads. I’ll get there when I get there.
* **
Pulling up in front of my childhood home I kill the bike and take a minute to appreciate it. I can almost see us as kids wreaking havoc on every inch of these grounds. My parents were the most amazing people who ever lived. They raised us to be in the family business, but at the same time to be good men. Our moral compasses may be obscured a little, but they’re there and we have hard lines when it comes to what we will and will not allow. Before I can continue into my nostalgia, my favorite little laugh meets my ears.
Quickly making work of changing my shoes out and taking off my leather gloves and helmet , I throw my book bag over my shoulder and make my way to the sound drawing me in. I open the side gate and yell out above everyone, “Ohhhh, Little Bearrrrr.” Rhett Brady Byrne jumps off the swing he was just on and takes off at me like a shot. He launches himself into my arms almost knocking me back a step.
Rhett gives the absolute best hugs I’ve ever had. His arms all but strangle you as his little body pours every ounce of love he possesses into it. Wrapping my arms around his back I carry him, legs dangling and all, over to everyone else. The hardest part about not being here while fighting with my brothers is not seeing him. I’ve been a constant since he showed up nervous and unsure in my brother’s hold with his mom all those months ago. He didn’t like men back then. A fact that still holds true to this day unless your last name is Byrne or you’re his guard Killian.
Setting him down on the patio and taking the hand he holds up to me, I nod to my brothers, kiss the top of my sister-in-law’s head, and offer Brittany a weak smile.
“Byrne.” She nods stoically, and a sharp pain radiatesthrough my chest. I fucking hate this.
Turning my attention back to what feels like the only person who wants me here, my fun uncle persona slides easily back into place.
“Uncle Kie, wanna come see my new car I built with Uncle Mac? It’s so- sun- suner power.”
“Really? Of course I want to see your suner power car.” Smiling at him I let him lead me over to his new car on the opposite end of the patio.
Mac calls out for him before we make it over there, “Bear?”
Rhett’s head whips back over to Mac, “Yes, sir?”
“Solar, buddy. Solar powered car.”
A serious expression takes over his little face, “Oh yes. Solar, Uncle Kie.”
Smiling at him as we continue to walk, “Solar, got it, Bear.”
Rhett and I play with his car for what seems like hours but really must only be about forty-five minutes. I’ve never felt uncomfortable at this house. Today, well today I want to run and go back to my penthouse. Britt’s acting so distant it makes my skin crawl and my brothers are acting like I don’t exist. Bear gets up and goes to make Killian play on the playground with him just as my phone vibrates.
I’m hoping it’s Ryan because I really need this fight tomorrow. Pulling it out I see a notification from none other than Brittany Mitchell. Looking up to find her standing and talking to the twins but her eyes are all for me. Damn this girl, even if I wanted to I can’t ignore her. It goes against my every instinct. Breaking eye contact I swipe the notification bringing it up for me to read.
Brittany: Meet me behind the pool house in five?
Kieran: What ever for, Miss Mitchell?