Page 31 of Stay, Swear.

“What the fuck was that?” I yell half in shock.

“That was a poorly executed set up.” Ryan’s practically vibrating with rage. He catches my full attention nonetheless.

“You think Ty was trying to set me up?”

Getting into the car Ryan scoffs, “Why else would Ty ask if you wanted to fight tonight when he knew James was headlining?”

“I don’t know. Maybe I should take a break for a little while find a different spot, or just train for a little.”

Ryan’s nodding before I’m even done with my thought, “I think that’s the way to go. I can’t imagine going through that again. Your brothers were on another level. And not to get all sentimental on you, but I’m not ready to do this daily shit without you.”

Keeping my emotions in check I just reach over and push his head to the side playfully, “I am great aren’t I?”

Ryan barks out a laugh, “Yeah, and so humble too. Come on, let’s go back to my place. We have a bike to work on.”

He’s got that right, I’m going crazy not being back on two wheels. My bike has some mods we need to do, and I’ll try anything at this point to get Britt out of my head.


Chapter Sixteen


Come on Brittany. It’s been weeks and the cookout is for Rhett. You wouldn’t disappoint him with your absence now would you?”

I glare at Clara through the phone, “Seriously? Have you always been this dramatic? It’s been four days, and all I said was I didn’t know if I had to work.”

She smirks, “Don’t make me play dirty here. You’ve been avoiding us and I want to know why. You’ve made up with Mac and Rowan. There’s no excuse now.”

My shoulders lift in a noncommittal shrug, “I’ve been busy. I’m trying to establish myself here and I have to work when they tell me to. Promise I’ll talk to Mr. Hall about it.”

She smiles in victory, “Perfect, so you’ll be here. Now you can talk to your godson.”

She goes looking for Rhett while my thoughts wander tothe six and a half feet tall man who’s probably currently in that house. I hurt his feelings the other day, I know I did. I’ve wanted to text him countless times since, but stop myself every time. Maybe it’s better this way. Nothing good can come from a friendship or hooking up or whatever. There’s undeniable chemistry between us. I don’t even want to think of the feelings that surface every time I think about him, but I’m not in a spot to explore that. Even if I was, it couldn’t be with him. That’s so complicated, my best friend is married to his brother. At the same time he’s upset and it’s because of me, so I really need to text him after I talk to Rhett.

My favorite little face pops into the frame filling the screen with his dirty‘I’ve been playing outside’face and bright smile. His brown curls fall onto his forehead, and most importantly his gorgeous hazel eyes shine with happiness.

“Auntie!” He screams so loud that I just know that the whole house can hear him.

“Little Bear! What are you doing? I miss you so much.” He takes the phone and runs off from his mom.

“Playing.” He takes me with him over to the play set his Dad and Uncles made him. Climbing up to the top he sets me up against a rail so he can sit and have free use of his hands. He signs as he talks most of the time and honestly probably always will. It doesn’t bother me and I prop up my phone at the kitchen table to do the same.

“Auntie, where have you been?” My sweet boy signs and asks at once.

Raising my hand to do the same, “I’ve been working. I miss you so much.”

“I miss you. Can I come over and have a sleepover?”

My heart cracks, I really have been slacking on my Auntieduties. “Of course, but I’ll have to talk to your parents about when, baby.”

He springs up to his feet, grabs the phone and takes me with him down the slide and across the yard. How I’m not getting motion sickness is beyond me. “Rhett what are you doing? Are you okay?”

He doesn’t answer as he dashes into the house and into a room I’ve never been in. I can hear deep voices that all stop abruptly as Rhett shoves the phone at someone’s chest. Next thing I know Rowan’s face fills the screen. He looks from Rhett to me, confusion written all over his face.

Finally settling his gaze on Rhett he asks, “What’s going on, Bear?”

I’m unable to see Rhett but I can hear him as clearly as if I was standing in the room with him, “I want a sleepover at Aunties.”