“Yeah, meet me at my place in fifteen. Just spectating tonight, okay Kie?”
I know I’m full of shit before the words even come out of my mouth, “Yeah, just spectating.”
* * *
I’m walking into The Pit with Ryan matching me step for step when Justin the bouncer stops us. “Kieran, glad to see you looking better bro.”
Dapping him up I chuckle, “Let’s not forget who came out of that match with the dub.”
“Of course, I didn’t mean any disrespect.”
I let the playfulness shine through my typical stone cold expression to put him at ease, “None taken. We’re going to go find Ty.” Grabbing his shoulder as we pass.
Ryan rolls his eyes and mutters under his breath, “You are such a dick.”
Feigning shock, my hand goes to my chest, “Me? I didn’t even do anything.”
We both laugh and head inside, “Seriously, Kie we’re here to watch. Scout out your next guy. No more. No less.”
“Yes, Dad. I got it.” I changed out of my work clothes at Ryan’s so instead of the suit I was wearing at Brittany’s I’m in black basketball shorts and a dark gray hoodie. My black hat with a gray ‘UFC’ logo is pulled low to hide my eyes, and my black cloud runner’s cover my feet. Ryan’s got on gray sweats, a plain black hoodie, and white forces on. Everyone here is dressed similarly, we’re here to watch but we’re always ready to go.
I’ve been here countless nights where my name wasn’t on the card but I’m fighting before the night’s over nonetheless. People are mouthy typically. Even more so when you’re undefeated and they’re just drunk enough or high enough on the adrenaline in the air to try me. Scanning the crowd, it doesn’t take us long to find Ty. He’s about six two if I had to guess, and in the sea of people ready to fight at any second or girls half dressed, he sticks out like a sore thumb. I think he was a frat bro once upon a time. If his outfit choices tell me anything it’s that he’ll go to his grave before he lets go of the khaki’s, polos, or boat shoes. He’s alright though, puts me on the card whenever I ask, and helps me keep a low profile when I’m avoiding it.
“Killer, it’s been a while! How’ve you been? You want in tonight?”I hold back my annoyance at the stupid nickname.
A faux smile curves my lips, “Nah, we’re just spectatorstonight. What’s up? How’s business?”
“It’s a light night, not going to lie. Seeing you in the ring would make for a better night.”
Taking a few seconds I pretend to think it over, “Alright, if you’re going to twist my arm. Count me in.”
Ryan yells out, “No!”
The same time Ty cheers, “Yes! Get ready, you’re up after the next fight.”
Ryan throws up his hands at me, “Dude what the fuck.”
“I’ve got shit to work through, it’s fine.”
Ryan and Ty start bickering like they so frequently do. Ryan never wants me to fight and Ty always wants me to. Tuning them out, my focus wanders back to scanning the crowd of spectators as well as the current match in the ring. I’m half listening to their conversation when a middle aged man, maybe late forties, catches my eye from across T
he Pit. I’m not sure why he’s caught my attention but that usually means my night is about to get bloody after all. He’s dressed like the rest of us, tattoos litter his body and his hair is buzzed. Keeping my eyes on him I ask, “Who’s that?”
Ty and Ryan follow my gaze. “Oh that’s some new guy. He just showed up for the first time today.” His dark eyes come up to mine, they look black from here. He gives me a nod of acknowledgment before he disappears into the crowd. Well that was weird. The urge to follow him and snap his neck is intense. My hands itch and fingers twitch just at the thought of moving towards him. Right as I’m about to move, Ryan claps my shoulder while throwing goodbyes over his shoulder to Ty. We make our way to the middle of the room where the octagon sits.
“That was weird right? That guy gave you a weird feeling?”
Ryan tilts his head and studies me for a minute. “No, I think he was just new. Don’t let your paranoia get the best of you. Maybe you’ve seen him in circles with your family before or something. It’s nothing.”
Turning our attention back to the ring I decide he’s right. No need to obsess over a feeling just because a stranger caught my eye.
We watch the match finish up, but when James Hill is announced for the next fight, my fight, we both look at each other slack jawed.
“There’s no fucking way?” I yell over the crowd roaring for him.
“What the actual fuck? Let’s get out of here.” The anger and tension rolling off of me is suffocating to my own lungs. “The last thing you need is to get in a fight tonight.”
Before I can respond Ryan is pushing me towards the exit. Making our way out I’m shoulder checked by some dickhead walking by. Whipping around to see who the fuck can’t watch where they’re going. My eyes fall on none other than James’ brother. Still his name escapes me, but I do know that no one has seen them in years. Now all of a sudden they’re fighting again? At the same place I’m fighting? Before either of us can react Ryan and Ty jump between us both pushing us in opposite directions. Ryan yells above everyone, “What the fuck Ty? Find yourself a new main fighter.” Ty yells something about this being a misunderstanding at our backs while Taylor or whatever his fucking name is screams about how he’s going to ‘finish the job’ next time. He’s a fucking idiot. He caught me off guard and distracted last time. I’ll torture him for weeks before ending him the next time he looks in my direction. Ryan directs me completely out of the rundown pit before itcan escalate further. Which it would because after that shit with Britt tonight, I’m ready to kill.