Page 27 of Stay, Swear.

Wrath blinds me, “You have kids, but you willingly helped in selling kids as young asfour?” The volume of my voice could rival a very pissed off lion.

“Man, I know, but it’s different—”

I’m done, I don’t even let him finish his sentence before I’m slicing his neck with so much strength that his head is barely still attached when I’m done. I clean my tools off and get the hell out of dodge. I’ll call the clean up crew on my way home. Walking out of this run down shit hole I’m moving with a little pep in my step. I’ve got the name of the next monster, and I will take down this whole ring. I also have just enough time to get home, shower, and get to my girl on time. Ever since walking out of her apartment door this morning I’ve been itching to get back to her. She finally noticed the bruises on my body this morning, after telling her I train for work with my best friend and we go a little hard sometimes she seemed to believe me. We’ve exchanged a few texts throughout the day, but I’ve been swamped. I make it home in record time. Being as quiet as I can be I attempt to sneak into Roe’s office to use his en suite.

I’m not even a full foot in the door before I hear him, “Why the fuck have you walked in here covered in blood?”

Bowing my shoulders like a child being scolded, because essentially that’s what’s happening here. I look at the ground, “I’m sorry. I didn’t pass the warehouse on the way home. I figured I’d sneak in here and shower so Bear didn’t see me.”

“You can use the shower but first lock the door and give mea run down on what happened today.”

Doing what he asks, my ass meets the chair in front of his desk. Taking my time to go over every meeting I had today. When I’m finished Rowan nods, “Good work, Kie.”

Standing up to make my escape to the shower he shoots his hand up halting my movements, “One more thing, where were you last night? Because my sources say you were at Mitchell’s apartment. That can’t be true though, because I remember specifically telling you not to fuck with my wife’s best friend and make this awkward for us.”

Before I can respond the door swings open and in walks the other four in our band of misfits. Tilting my head back and groaning in frustration at the ceiling to try to calm myself before they start in on me.

Declan of course is the first one, “Dude, you know the rules. No blood in the house. Clara’s going to kill you.”

“Not as much as when she finds out you spent the night at Britt’s last night.” Flynn snickers.

I’m not in the mood for this. Pushing up to my feet I run my hands through my hair. “Thank you so much for your concern, but I have shit to do tonight that I have to get ready for. I’m an adult, and so is Brittany. We can make our own choices. You guys can get off my ass or I can pack my shit up and leave. Doesn’t make a difference to me either way. But what we aren’t doing is treating me like an immature child when I’m the one who puts myself between you all and any danger that comes for you. You can’t act like I’m trustworthy, and reliant enough to putmylife on the line to make sure you keepyoursdaily, but not enough to be with Clara’s best friend. You can get off my ass or I can move out. So you let me know what you decide. I’ll be back tomorrow for the Rossi meetingready to take a bullet for any of you if need be, like every other day. Until then my phone is off and I’m unavailable.” I don’t wait to hear their shit, like I said, I’ve got plans.


Chapter Fourteen


Rushing around my apartment to finish getting ready, I’m crossing everything that he’s a few minutes late. I took a power nap with a little too much power. So I’ve been running around like a mad woman looking for a dress that screams ‘classy’ but also ‘bend me over the table and fuck me’. It’s a delicate balance that I’ve perfected over the years. Running into the bathroom to fix my curls I decide to face time my other half to help me.

“Hel— why are you face timing me in your bra and thong Brittany? What if Rhett or Rowan were beside me?”

“Well then I guess they’d have gotten an eyeful. I need help.” Her relaxed demeanor dissipates in an instant. “What’s wrong? Hold on, let me go get Rowan.” She jumps up from the hammock she was lounging in.

“Woah, no. Wait, I need help with what dress to wear formy date tonight.”

Her eyes widen and her brows practically touch her hairline. “Oh, a date.” A curious smile tips her mischievous lips. “A date with?”

I can’t help the laugh that escapes, she’s ridiculous. “A date with a man, an extremely sexy one.”

“You want his dog to play with your cat?” We both fall apart into a fit of laughter. I told her something similar the night of her first date with Rowan.

“Stop. I need something that says take me seriously, but also call me your good little slut, ya know?”

She coughs out a surprised laugh, “No I don’t know because I’d murder Rowan in his sleep if he called me a slut.”

I wave her off, “Yeah yeah whatever, don’t kink shame me Mrs. ‘I like to have sex with my husband outside and see how close to getting caught we can get without actually getting caught.’ Get serious now, he’ll be here in like less than five minutes.”

Clara huffs out an annoyed, “You’re an asshole for bringing that up.” Letting her think for a minute she finally snaps her fingers then points at me, “The maroon dress, the one with the back!”

Oh she’s a genius. “Hold on.” I run out of the bathroom and to my closet where the dress sits in the back of the closet. I love it, but I’ve never worn it. We got it when we were out one night, but I’ve never had a reason to wear it.

Sliding it on, I check myself in my full length mirror before running back to the bathroom. “Okay, this? With the black strappy heels?”

Clara doesn’t say a word so my eyes wheel to my phone to see Clara, Rowan, and Declan staring back at me all speechless. “Clara! What the hell, I don’t want them all in my business. Just because I forgave your husband for being a prick doesn’t mean he needs to watch me get ready for my date. He’s almost here, Help me!”

Rowan lets out a low whistle as Declan chimes in, “Who’s the date with, Brittany?” His eyes are narrow and serious.